The Ten Commandments in OK Public Schools

The Ten Commandments in OK Public Schools

“America will never be destroyed from outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” – Abraham Lincoln I received the following email yesterday. “Hi Wade — I am greatly enjoying your new podcast series,...
Why France Has Fallen in 500 Words

Why France Has Fallen in 500 Words

  France is a secular state with a national identity of trust in government, not God. The French Revolution of 1789 cannot be compared to the American Revolution of 1776. The differences between the two are stark. France sought a centralized secular government...
The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God

The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God

Politics is defined as “the art or science of governing.” We do not want a “Christian government” to control the affairs of America in the manner that Jesus Christ interacts with His people. If America were a “Christian government,”...