“America will never be destroyed from outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”Abraham Lincoln

I received the following email yesterday.

“Hi Wade — I am greatly enjoying your new podcast series, Radically New. This is a real confirmation for me since I have a dear friend who has become a Messianic Jew, observes all the laws and festivals, and encourages me to do the same.

In listening to these podcasts, in addition to your teaching on Isaiah and Ezekiel, I’m curious as to why you are encouraging the Ten Commandments to be posted in schools. That would seem to be contradictory to the Radically New teaching, unless the idea would be the same as for ancient Israel: to point the children to their need for a Savior? Can you clarify?

I know I will definitely be listening to these teachings over and over so that the Spirit may get this truth from my head to my heart!

Thank you again for your devotion to Yahweh and your faithfulness to share His Word and His heart with us!” -Debi

Debi is very perceptive.

I do not believe the proper motivation for Christian living is obedience to the Ten Commandments.


A Believer in Jesus Is Blessed by God Unconditionally


A true Christian, one in whom the Spirit of God resides, has an individual morality far exceeding the Ten Commandments.

A Christian won’t steal; he or she generously gives. A Christian won’t murder; he or she forgives enemies. Soul rest and worship of God is not just one day of the week but every day. You get the picture.

A Christian can lapse morally and violate one of the Ten Commandments. But when this happens, the Christian is grieved, not proud.

At all times, without exception, God’s favor and blessings are over the Christian and are unconditional in nature. God always and at all times kisses with favor and blessings that sinner who has kissed His Son. That’s the New Agreement that God instituted in Christ. It’s the heart of the Christian faith.

The Ten Commandments aren’t Christianity. They are the basis of Common Law.

The Ten Commandments express what our Founding Fathers considered the moral foundation for the United States. This Common Law formed the basis for a civil government.

A nation that forgets God is a nation that soon collapses on itself.

We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth, and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own.” – Abraham Lincoln

Yes, even when some citizens are irreligious, atheistic, or nihilistic, the Ten Commandments still serve as the cultural basis for the rule of law in our land.

Common Law isn’t individualistic; it’s nationalistic.

A nation with no foundation of moral law, whether it be called Natural Law, the Ten Commandments, Common Law, the code of Hammurabi, or any other name, will soon be destroyed.

For almost 200 years, a billboard of the 10 Commandments was prominently displayed in every American public school classroom beside a copy of the Constitution and our nation’s flag.

In 1980, the Ten Commandments were removed from American schools. Just a glance at the front page of any newspaper will reveal what has happened to the moral fiber of our country during these past fifty years.

That’s why I’m part of an effort to return a display of the Ten Commandments in every public education classroom.

Ten Reasons Why the Display of the Ten Commandments Is for the Common Good.


1. Moral Values: The Ten Commandments provide a set of moral principles that are commonly recognized in various religious and cultural traditions. They offer guidelines for ethical behavior and help children understand the difference between right and wrong.

2. Cultural and Religious Heritage: The Ten Commandments are fundamental to students’ cultural and religious heritage in the U.S. education system. Teaching these commandments can help children connect with their history and traditions.

3. Character Development: Learning the Ten Commandments can contribute to developing virtues such as honesty, respect, compassion, and responsibility. These virtues are essential for building strong character to turn students into adult citizens who positively contribute to society.

4. Ethical Decision-Making: The Ten Commandments provide a framework for making ethical decisions. The Ten Commandments can help students navigate complex situations and make choices that align with virtue and a better society.

5. Social Harmony: Following the principles outlined in the Ten Commandments can contribute to a more harmonious and just society. Adhering to rules that promote respect for others, fairness, and empathy can lead to better interpersonal relationships and reduced conflicts.

6. Personal Accountability: The commandments emphasize personal responsibility for one’s actions. Teaching children to take ownership of their behavior and consider their actions’ consequences can help them become responsible adults.76. Empowerment: By learning the Ten Commandments, children can feel empowered to make positive choices that contribute to their well-being and the well-being of others. It gives them a sense of agency and the understanding that they can shape their lives.

7, Empowerment: By learning the Ten Commandments, children can feel empowered to make positive choices that contribute to their well-being and the well-being of others. It gives them a sense of agency and the understanding that they can shape their lives.

8. Critical Thinking: Exploring the meanings and implications of the commandments can encourage children to engage in thoughtful discussions about values, ethics, and beliefs. This can promote critical thinking skills and help them develop a deeper understanding of their own convictions.

9. Guidance for Difficult Times: The commandments guide in challenging situations, helping children make decisions even when faced with temptation, peer pressure, or challenging circumstances.

10. Respect for Authority: Teaching children to respect authority and follow the rules can be reinforced by the Ten Commandments, which are Divine directives that guide human behavior.

I hope, Debi, this explains why I teach the unconditional blessings of God through faith in Jesus while also wanting our children in public schools to learn of the Moral Code that serves as the basis for the American government.

I will teach my children Christianity, but we’ll let other parents teach their own kids any religion they desire.

However, as a society and culture, the history of our country is founded on the moral principles of Law as summarized in the 10 Commandments.

Displaying the Ten Commandments is a matter of history and is existential in nature.

We forget God at our own peril.