Something wicked this way comes.
This five-word phrase is the title of Ray Bradbury’s 1962 classic movie. In the film, two 13-year-old boys endure a nightmarish experience with a traveling carnival that comes to their Midwestern town. In dealing with the creepy figures of the carnival, the boys learn how to combat fear.
The movie’s title is taken from Shakespeare’s phrase, “By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes,” a line from the witches in Macbeth.
Do you feel that something wicked is coming to the United States of America?
If so, I want to help you face your fears by giving a simple solution on how we can beat back the wickedness.
An untrained child who plays the piano is free, but simply banging ivory keys without ordered instruction is a cacophony of music (e.g., “an anarchy of sound”).
An educated and trained child plays the piano with self-discipline, patience, views toward a higher good (e.g., ‘concerts to benefit others’), and interest in other individual virtues.
In the end, beautiful music only occurs when the piano student trusts the Instructor and His Instructions, applying virtue in his or her life.
Beautiful music is ordered music.
Freedom is the same way.
There is no true freedom without ordered and accepted instruction in personal virtue, recognizing that the highest moral laws (Nature’s Laws) come from the Creator (Nature’s God).
Anarchy or tyranny results from desires for freedom without a willingness to pay the price of learning personal virtue and faith.
Freedom requires Virtue.
Virtue requires Faith.
Faith requires Freedom.
We, the people of the United States of America, are losing our freedom. Here’s why.
Individual liberty does not just happen.
Freedom Requires Virtue
Individual liberty is the product of a nation’s citizenship and collective morality. That’s what our Founding Fathers believed. They could articulate the history of the world as a “tale of tyranny told by tyrants.” They desired a country built on freedom.
The Founding Fathers recognized that true freedom is born from the virtue and moral character of the citizens of a nation. Without virtuous leaders and virtuous citizens, there is no incentive to follow the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God. Or, to put it succinctly, without virtue, “every man does what is right in his own eyes.”
“Only virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” ―
“Religion and morality alone can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue.” – John Adams
“Moral education—the training of heart and mind toward the good—involves many things. It involves rules and precepts—the do’s and don’ts of life with others—as well as explicit instruction, exhortation, and training. Moral education must provide training in good habits. Aristotle wrote that good habits formed in youth make all the difference.”
William J. Bennett, author of The Book of Virtues: A Treasury of Great Moral Stories
Our public school classroom teachers must be empowered to teach the virtues of citizenship. Moral instruction (virtue) is essential for continuing freedom. Responsibility. Courage. Compassion. Loyalty. Honesty. Friendship. Persistence. Hard work. Self-discipline. Faith.
To the degree our children are trained in these virtues in the public classrooms of America is the degree to which we will safeguard freedom.
Virtue Requires Faith
First Liberty gives the best explanation for why faith in the Creator God is the foundation of real virtue:
The Founders were clear in their view that the virtue necessary to allow maximum liberty required a solid foundation: and that foundation was religion. Even the Founders with the least affinity to orthodox Christian views of their day believed this.
Benjamin Franklin made it very clear that he would never be a Christian, however, he states: “As to Jesus of Nazareth, my opinion…I think the System of Morals and his Religion, as he left them to us, the best the World ever saw or is likely to see.”
It was Franklin who initiated prayer during a crisis moment in the Constitutional Convention. It was Franklin who saw the immense cultural value of the work of his friend, the renowned evangelist George Whitfield.
And Thomas Jefferson, an alleged deist, stated, “The Christian religion is the best religion that has ever been given to man.”
Many critics forget that men like Jefferson were no secularists; they clearly believed in God.
Jefferson, as a statesman and as president, was clear that without faith there is very little reason to be virtuous. The Jefferson Memorial itself displays famous quotes by Jefferson connecting freedom to the moral laws of God.
Without faith in the God of Nature and in Nature’s Laws, there is no incentive to live one’s life for a transcendent reason, recognizing the Creator has created us for a bigger purpose than ourselves and for the self-satisfaction of personal pleasure.
True virtue requires faith in a Creator who has a purpose for the world created.
Faith Requires Freedom
Faith in God is voluntary in the United States. A citizen of the United States choose s to believe in God, or not.
The Williamsburg Charter, signed by 100 nationally prominent figures on June 22, 1988, commemorates the 200th anniversary of Virginia’s call for a Bill of Rights. Among the signers were Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter; the late Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court William Rehnquist; the late activist Coretta Scott King (wife of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.) and Focus on the Family founder James Dobson.
The lead drafter was Os Guinness.
They declared:
“No longer can sword, purse, and sacred mantle be equated. Now, the government is barred from using religion’s mantle to become a confessional state, and from allowing religion to use the government’s sword and purse to become a coercing Church. In this new order, the freedom of the government from religious control and the freedom of religion from government control are a double guarantee of the protection of rights. No faith is preferred or prohibited, for where there is no state-definable orthodoxy, there can be no state-definable heresy.”
True freedom is always measured by the government’s and society’s understanding of the importance of virtue and faith.
Radical leftist groups look for ways to suppress religious expression and the teaching of virtue throughout the United States.
Americans awakened to the fact that “something wicked this way comes” must do three things:
Stand up!
Speak out!
Serve now!
This is a critical hour for our nation. Don’t just sit there. Do something.
Welcome back! Been missing you. Judy just climbed 60 feet to switch our 12-foot star that lights up at night to a 12-foot cross.
. I forgot to say the cross is for Easter when Jesus rose from the grave.
I don’t’ feel like something wicked is coming to the United States because it’s already here:
I took a picture at night of the 12-foot cross that looks sold white with the moon behind it. My daughter said the picture looked so beautiful she was going to put it on Facebook.
Ten feet over our slide we have a 12-foot star that lights up at night. Two days ago, Judy switched wires to light up a 12-foot cross for Easter.
I took a picture of the cross with the moon behind it. It looked so good, my daughter put it on Facebook.
I believe who wants the most for Trump to lose in his indictment is Russia and China.
Sorry for all the duplication.
When we were kids a drunk ran off the edge of a country road at high speed. He jerked the wheel of his small car causing it to skid sideways into our mother. Her car was larger but crushed so bad it took an hour to get her out. Local newspaper headline: “Woman kills man!”
What do you think about the situation Trump is in?
I will not ask CHRISTIANE. smile
Hello out there, REX RAY
Of course you can ask me what I think, and here it is:
any citizen of our nation is INNOCENT until proven guilty in a court of law by a panel of his peers
so I am waiting to see the ‘outcome’ of this trial as well as the many other ‘trials’ that may come.
Now, I admit that in watching MORE than ‘just Fox News’, I might not be acceptable on a jury because I have HEARD and SEEN Trump in action and I’ve seen the consequences on television.
So without the ‘Fox’ bubble, you would be right to pause to ask me ‘what I think’.
The truth is this: I support our system of laws. But I also support every citizen’s right to think what they want to think about politics and about religion: as long as they are hopefully exercising that freedom ‘in good conscience’ and not intending to bring harm on the innocent. In short, I would support your right to have your OWN opinion. It’s the American way we have always followed.
I just would advise people to understand that there are forces that stand to gain from mis-information and we Americans need to have more than ONE source of information to draw from so we can make up our OWN minds about what we SEE and HEAR. Propaganda? It’s out there. We need to know how to separate ‘what tingles our ears’ from the real truth so we are not being manipulated by agents of propagandists.
I hope this helps. You can always ask me ‘what I think’. In the matter of a certain former President, unfortunately my response would likely be unprintable. 🙂
Who do you think Russia and China would like to be our President, Biden or Trump?
I think PUTIN would like to see his buddy Trump back in power so they can work to get rid of NATO’s forces that keep Russia from attacking NATO countries. Not sure what the Russian people want but that no longer matters in that country as Putin has made himself in power for life … . . . no more democracy in Russia now, no.
China? I’m as clueless as the next one, but I doubt that they want to see trade with the USA disrupted. What do YOU think?
You asked what I think. Why would China fly balloons over us if not to locate where they want to drop a Atomic Bomb? I think like Wade does as he said below:
Istoria Ministries on March 17, 2023, at 4:18 am
Yes, I did hear about the Russian warplane knocking down our drone. It’s crazy how fast we are barreling into World War III.
Wow. REX RAY, I think we have lived at the edge of WWIII for many years now. My own thought is that EVERYONE KNOWS that there will be no ‘winners’ of such a war. The nuclear weapons employed will do their damage quickly, the fall-out and the ‘nuclear winter’ that comes afterward will be a horror for any ‘survivors’ and it would have been better for them if they had perished immediately in the first hours of the nuclear war. . . .
I also think that ANYONE who schemes to ‘bring on’ the ‘last days’ by nuclear war deserves to go straight to hell themselves . . . why?
because it is not for any humans to ‘decide’ when God will determine the Last Day . . . . only God knows and for a human person to create a situation leading to a nuclear holocaust thinking it is ‘God’s Will’, that is either a monster sinner OR a very sick soul indeed. People who think they can ‘bring on’ the End Times with killing and violence, harming the innocent in the process, are frankly evil. They do satan’s work.
If we have a nuclear holocaust, God have mercy on any who ‘survive’ because their suffering will be horrendous. I can only hope we are spared this kind of ending and that the Lord returns before such a horror.
‘wars and rumors of wars’ are the drum among fearful people . . . . and the wise among us also . . . . especially when fascism is raising its ugly head again in this world
Thanks for sharing your viewpoint, REX RAY.
The link below is 75 pages telling about the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. It tells the story of several people.
Microsoft Word – hirohersey.doc (
On my first of 13 mission trips to Japan, it felt strange meeting in a church and people talking about their experiences when the bomb exploded.
15 feet above our slide, there is a 12-foot star that lights up at night. A couple of days ago, Judy switched the wires to light up a 12-foot cross for Easter. I took a picture of it with the moon in the background. My daughter put it on Facebook.
Today, a 20-year-old girl was the 709 person to go down the slide. Her comment was: “Lord, don’t let me curse”.