by Istoria Ministries | Oct 13, 2023 | Blog
The Hebrew word for “land” is Eretz. The nation of Israel has had the land we call Israel since 1051 B.C. Let 1051 B.C. sink in. The United States was founded in AD 1776. Nearly three thousand years before the United States had our land, Israel had their land, Eretz...
by Istoria Ministries | May 5, 2023 | Blog, Israel
Rachelle and I just returned from leading another wonderful tour to Israel (April 26 – May 5, 2023). Boaz and Yuval with the Burlesons Shepherd’s Cave, Bethlehem Shepherd’s Cave, Bethlehem Capernaum in background The Garden Tomb, Jerusalem Steps...
by Wade Burleson | Nov 14, 2022 | Blog
On Sunday afternoon, April 9, AD 30, Jesus joined two of His followers, a married couple named Cleopas and Mary, as they walked to their home village of Emmaus, seven miles from Jerusalem. The couple, at first, did not recognize their fellow traveler. Mary had been at...