Nikola Tesla at his Colorado Springs laboratory, c. 1899.


The paucity of this post has no relation to the magnitude of its meaning.

Your silent prayers are powerful.

When you feel burdened to ask God for help, your Creator hears whether you speak out loud or not.

The LORD is:

Omnipresent – Latin for “everywhere at once.”

Omniscient – Latin for “all-knowing of all things.”

Omnipotent – Latin for “all-powerful and capable.”

When you bow before your Maker and plead for His help, He is “with you,” and He “hears you,” and He is “capable of doing the things you need.”


Keep the Devil Guessing


Prayer is ‘Tween God and Me’


God hears. Your enemy can’t.

Unlike your Creator, the created angelic beings, even those who have fallen from their first estate – like Lucifer himself – have no idea what you are thinking.

The demons of this world have no clue of what remains silent in your head.


God Knows


God knows your heart. He knows your thoughts. He knows your needs.

He knows your silent cries. He knows. He cares. He moves.

Your prayers are “tween God and you.”

No need to involve anyone else.




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