My friend, videographer Chris King, the videographer for the 501 C3 non-profit OCPAC Foundation, put together this video to help you understand the background, funding, and purpose of the transgender movement in the United States. The video is entitled TRANSMANIA (credit also to filmmaker Christopher Rufo). TRANSMANIA will take sixteen minutes to watch. Your reward will be a lifetime of wisdom.
Judy and I agree this video needs to be seen by America!
I agree with Mr. Ray. We need to get this out there. Thank you so very much Wade. Hen French
Transgenderism is not a Marxist/Leninist construct. It is, however, a Satanic construct and part of Satan’s plan to replace Yahweh with himself. It will fail.
when my father Dave was a kid, they had a dog named Fido. He liked him so much he paid his brothers and sisters for their share of Fido. An older brother walked away and whistled for Fido. The dog followed.
“Awe Dave, we all know Fido’s your dog, but Fido doesn’t.”
I don’t think people with gender issues, especially children, are ‘evil’.
I think they suffer from the same woundedness as the rest, all in our own ways. We should not add to their confusion and pain, but respond to them with behavior on our part that is reflective of our healing Lord: the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
It pains me to see suffering people targeted by both sides in a culture war battle. In the end, the suffering is only worsened. Christians are a people who cannot judge harshly, throw stones, and point the finger at ‘the others’. But the culture wars urge folks to do just that, on both sides. There are no winners. Only suffering. Only anger. Only pain.
God have mercy on us all.
I don’t mean to be mean, but do you believe America is better off now than when Trump was President?
Biden’s ‘open border’ has Google stating:
“The Mexican drug cartels have killed more Americans than any terrorist group in history—and the death toll is rising every day. In the last three years alone, a quarter of a million Americans have lost their lives in the deadliest drug crisis in history. Sep 22, 2022”
I won’t mention the ‘trouble’ his son is in.
I could not support Donald Trump in any office of responsibility. But I think people need to make up their own minds and I do support our system of government under the US Constitution, yes. I also support the rule of law in our nation.
I support YOUR right to vote for the people of your own choice.
I support our allies in NATO and I support those who stand against tyranny. The problem along the southern border needs to be addressed but not with the cruelty shown by the past administration, nor by the present individuals who refuse water to those who say ‘I thirst’.
It would help for people to get their information these days from MANY different sources and not to rely on any ‘spin’ that supports an agenda that wants to destroy ‘who we are’ as a nation.
I do not support Putin or the North Korean dictator, or any of the dictators admired by Trump, no.
I do support the Ukrainian people as they were a free people who were attacked by Putin. My godmother of blessed memory was descended from people who came from the Ukraine. I know what the Russians did to starve the Ukrainian peoples long ago. . . . . I’m glad Sweden and Finland are joining NATO. My youngest son’s fiance’s family in in Latvia, she speaks four languages fluently, and grew up under Russian rule. Putin would again attack Latvia and the Baltic states IF they were not under the protection of NATO.
Trump didn’t approve of NATO. He didn’t care for our traditional allies either. I hope he is not elected in ’24 myself. But we shall see when the time comes, and Trump is also already saying if he loses in ’24, the election will have been ‘rigged’. I support that people should be able to vote freely as long as they are legal voters in our nation, yes. No matter who they support. That is our way.
Remember, ‘all shall be well in the Kingdom of Our Lord’.
You said, “Remember, “all shall be well in the Kingdom of Our Lord.”
I agree, as 1 Corinthians 2:9 states: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”
But on some issues, you remind me of: ‘My mind’s made up. Don’t confuse me with the facts!’ Smile
You said: “I do not support Putin or the North Korean dictator, or any of the dictators admired by Trump, no.”
WHERE IN THE WORLD DID YOU GET THE IDEA that Trump admired them? It wouldn’t surprise me if you believe Trump admires the Devil.
you asked me a question and I gave my honest point of view.
as to Trump’s own words about Putin and the N. Korean dictator, check your sources – he has said PLENTY about both of them
you have a wonderful Sunday and stay out of the terrible heat!
Does he admire the devil? I don’t know.
I do not see him as ‘the Anointed One of God’, no.
I honestly think that many differences of opinion are due to ‘sources’ in the media which foster certain agendas. Like the sources that claimed the election was ‘rigged’ without any proof.
These days, we are better off checking out a very wide variety of sources, doing our own research, and coming to our own conclusions . . . . too many ‘pundits’ out there trying to do our thinking for us . . . . it doesn’t work, we have to do our OWN thinking.
you asked me a question and I gave my honest point of view.
as to Trump’s own words about Putin and the N. Korean dictator, check your sources – he has said PLENTY about both of them
you have a wonderful Sunday and stay out of the terrible heat!
Does he admire the devil? I don’t know.
I do not see him as ‘the Anointed One of God’, no.
I honestly think that many differences of opinion are due to ‘sources’ in the media which foster certain agendas. Like the sources that claimed the election was ‘rigged’ without any proof.
These days, we are better off checking out a very wide variety of sources, doing our own research, and coming to our own conclusions . . . . too many ‘pundits’ out there trying to do our thinking for us . . . . it doesn’t work, we have to do our OWN thinking.
Judy and I were watching Golf on TV. I went to sleep but woke up when she switched channels to Fox News, and I heard Senator Ted Cruz quoting Whistleblowers saying that Hunter Biden had received 8 million from China and 20 million from other countries. He didn’t say why the countries gave the money.
Once my 8-year-old nephew was being scolded for hitting a little girl. “WHY DID YOU HIT HER?”
He said, “My mouth’s tired of talking.”
Can I expect the same from you in responding to my last comment? smile
I won’t ‘haggle’ with you on a Sunday evening, and ‘no, I do not think your questions are mean-spirited’, never that.
But we do see things differently. The thing is, I respect your right to see things in ways that are meaningful to you, and I support your right to vote in our country as you see fit. That’s where I stand, and I think I still do stand for something important.
I have seen and heard Donald Trump in action – the rallies.
I have a son with Down Syndrome and we all have seen Donald Trump make fun of a handicapped person.
I have 3 serving military presently in our US Navy and my son in the US Coast Guard.
is a Coast Guard officer. The other two are full commanders in the US Navy, one a critical-care nurse (my niece) and the other a Navy physician and both have served in ALL of the fighting zones in the last fifteen to twenty years, and my niece aboard the US Comfort in Haiti,also. I have seen Donald Trump ridicule those in the military who have been wounded as ‘losers’, also he has declared prisoners of war who served honorably as ‘losers’. Donald Trump has said openly that he does not want wounded soldiers present with him because ‘it is not a good image’.
I disagree with him.
I have great respect for our law enforcement. We have seen what the thugs sent to the Capitol to stop the ’20 election confirmation did to the serving Capitol police – the beatings, merciless.
We saw and we heard.
No ‘haggle’ necessary.
I have explained openly where I come from and why I see things the way I do as meaningful to me, to my family, to law enforcement, to the honor of our military especially those wounded in battle for the sake of our freedom. . . .
It is not important that you understand me, but I did try to respond to your question(s) the best and most honest way I know how.
The important thing for me is that I RESPECT your right to see things in ways that are meaningful to you; and I will always stand for the right of you and any American who is legally qualified to vote their consciences freely. No haggles here. Be yourself. The ONLY ‘advice’ I can give is this: DO YOUR OWN THINKING. You have a good brain and are a decent man, a good American. Check your resources and your media sources . . . . that takes work, but it helps to ‘clarify’ (put light on) what Americans need to do in order to vote responsibly.
’nuff said’?
Yep. I think so, but never forget ‘all shall be well in the Kingdom of Our Lord’ and we BOTH agree on that, thank God!
I have
I’m sorry. I shouldn’t get smart with a long-time FRIEND.
That reminds me of a family story of long ago. My sisters were very young when our father was correcting the oldest for being a smart-elect. The young one jumped on the ‘bandwagon’ by saying: “Daddy, I’m not smart!”
P.S. Just read your last comment. WELL SAID
Opps, I shouldn’t have said, “WELL SAID”, because we have different opinions on what’s true.
My father said, “Truth needs no defense; it only needs to be heard.”
Jesus said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (Matthew 8:32)
Those words are easily said, but how do we determine TRUTH?
My father told me once: “Rex, you’re always right, but when you’re wrong, YOU’RE DEAD WRONG!”
Hey! This is just like the good old days! Wonder if Wade has fired the ‘Machine’?
Our father ran for the office of County Superintendent 3 times in Fannin County, but never won. The last time, he lost so bad in his ‘home town’, he asked his brother if he voted for him.
“Goodness no, Dave. I have an honest brother, and I want to keep him that way.”
He lost running for mayor in Fairbanks, Alaska. He told his son-in-law, Rollie Rinker that it didn’t matter if you won or lost; politics was a lot of fun. Rollie replied, “You wouldn’t know much about the winning would you Dave?
“Goodness no, Dave! I have an honest brother, and I want to keep him that way!”
I laughed out loud when I read that story. As you know, I decided not to run for U.S. Congress next year. I told my wife your anecdote and she said, “Good! God will keep you an honest man!”
Write a book, Rex. Your stories are amazing.
Thanks for hanging in there and commenting! You are my “sounding board.” I always wish to be gracious – while maintaining a love for the truth.
Blessings to you!
There’s a poem going up tomorrow (Wednesday), that I think you’ll enjoy.
If I don’t respond to any comments, it will be because I’m taking Rachelle on a 40th Anniversary trip. Our honeymoon was a Motel 6 and Putt Putt (no joke, I had $80 to my name.
I always appreciated my wife stood by my side when I had nada!
I hope you and Rachelle have a safe and happy 40th Anniversary trip !
You all deserve to enjoy this celebration !
I hope you both will continue to be a blessing to each other for many years to come.
Have a happy Anniversary trip! Glad you liked what my uncle said to my father about not voting for him. The funny story the machine hasn’t let me tell was printed yesterday by the Leader Newspaper. Title: Anger makes some people stupid
This week, I felt a lot of pain in one of my hands, but nothing like the pain by the nails in the hands of our Saviour.
To summarize the story; It’s impossible to find a stairway when you’re in a very large closet.