“Even darkness is not dark to You; Darkness is like Light to You.” – Psalm 139:12

The other side, or “dark side,” of the Moon never seen by human beings on earth. This photo was taken by the Chinese Chang’s T1-5 Spacecraft.
In the shadow of night, where darkness seems to reign,
There lies a truth vast and tender, of joy amidst the pain.
This world casts its shadows, and hope seems out of sight,
Yet, in the vast expanse, God sees the darkness as if its light.
When my path is lost in gloom, and fear grips every breath,
God’s love, a beacon steady, guides through darkness to life,
In time when sorrow’s heavy, and my heart feels worn and old,
His goodness whispers softly, “Be still, for you are not alone.”
Through valleys dark, where echoes of despair resound,
He sends Light to guide me, His peace, a steadfast crown.
For every tear I shed and moment of painful, silent cry,
Grace flows to me like a river, b’neath the darkening sky.
When I stumble in the darkness, my steps unsure and weak,
Christ’s voice gently whispers, “My child, it is I you seek.”
The Shepherd of my soul, He leads me with staff and rod,
Guiding by tender mercies, long the path laid out by God.
So in my darkest night, when despair seems to win,
The Savior’s goodness shines a beacon of hope within.
For in my darkness, Christ’s Light does not merely guide,
He transforms and renews me, and in His presence I abide.
So if my night seems endless, and my life feels frail.
I’ll remember God’s goodness is Light that cannot fail.
He who sees the dark as Light in every midnight hour,
Will lead me in my darkness by His unending power.

This poem is dedicated to two families, Christian Palestinians, that Sen. Lankford’s office and I worked to evacuate from Beirut, Lebanon, under threat of their deaths. Though it may seem dark right now, each time you see the moon, remember that the dark side of the moon is as Light to Christ, and so too, your darkness is Light to Him.