A Spiritual Rumble
Listen up, y’all;
Gotta a story to rumble
‘God drops the proud
and exalts the humble.’
The meek and humble,
they’ll rise to the top.
While the arrogant,
always do drop.
God cuts down the proud and raises the humble.
It’s the way of the Lord, it’s a spiritual rumble.
So if you’re feelin’ high, better watch your step:
‘God’s gonna bring ya down, He’s got the final rep.’
Verse 2:
The rich and powerful,
they think they’re so fly
But God’s got a plan,
and they’re gonna die.
Their money and fame,
Bring ease temporary
But the humble in name
Will live eternally.
God cuts down the proud and raises the humble.
It’s the way of the Lord, it’s a spiritual rumble.
So if you’re feelin’ high, better watch your step:
‘God’s gonna bring ya down, He’s got the final rep.’
Verse 3:
So put your ego aside,
and focus on the Lord.
He’ll lift you up,
and give you more.
Be thankful and grateful,
for what you got.
And watch as God
takes you to the top.
God cuts down the proud and raises the humble.
It’s the way of the Lord, it’s a spiritual rumble.
So if you’re feelin’ high, better watch your step:
‘God’s gonna bring ya down, He’s got the final rep.’
Verse 4
God’s in control.
He’s got the power.
Let’s humble ourselves,
in this final hour.
‘Cause God drops the proud
and raises the humble.
That’s the way it is,
In life’s spiritual rumble.
“I am satisfied, I am satisfied with Jesus,
But the question comes to me, as I think of Calvary,
Is my Master satisfied with me?”
The chorus reminds me of the song: “Bad boy, bad boy, what you going do when they come for you?”
‘Behold the Lamb of God’ (from the Holy Gospel of St. John)
and a prayer from ancient Church, this:
“Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.”
🙂 I hadn’t thought of the “Bad Boys” tune – It fits! 🙂
Christiane, nice Latin!
Today, a life insurance sales lady asked how old I was. When I told her, she hung up. smile
Madeleine Brown, LBJ’s mistress of 21years and father of her baby said 23 people were at a meeting the night before JFK was murdered. (I’ve listed only a few.)
Clint Murchison Sr.; billionaire oil man.
H.L. Hunt; billionaire oil man.
Lindon B. Johnson; Vice President.
J. Edgar Hoover; FBI Chief.
Carlos Marcello; mobster.
Joe Civello; Dallas Mafia.
Cliff Carter; LBJ’s go-between for orders to Mac Wallace.
Mac Wallace: murdered 17 people and was LBJ’s ‘hit man’. His fingerprints were found in the sniper’s nest.
President Lydon Johnson ordered on secrecy to ban the JFK documents from the public for 75 years.
Wade, have you seen Fox News today that had a video of the attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband? It showed the attacker breaking a large window to get in. He asked her husband, Paul, “Where’s Nancy? Paul phoned 911 and they talked several minutes while the attacker was standing next to Paul. The whole thing was weird.
Today, I visited Bill Glaser, my brother-in-law’s younger brother who is on hospice. He asked for prayer, and I know there are some prayer ‘warriors’ like CHRISTIANE who will read this.
I didn’t know Bill Glaser was on hospice. His brother is our Sunday school teacher, and he’s never mentioned Bill was sick. Plus, the hospice person is our pastor.
Yes, REX RAY, I will pray for your relative. You bet!
Thank you for your prayers.
A story about Bill when he was a kid:
Every time he confessed his sins to the Priest, he’d tell how much money he took from his father’s pockets when he was asleep.
The Priest got tired and told not to bother him if he didn’t take more than a certain amount.
After that, Bill took the Priest advice.
No need to thank me for praying for your your relative. Always happy to help.
From the description of his ‘confession’, I’m wondering what religion he belongs to. 🙂
Bill’s family were Catholics, but he and his brother became horrible Baptists. smile
no offense but since I know that Baptists do not have the formal sacrament of Reconciliation;
maybe Bill got confused, God bless him. 🙂
I do hope that Bill is sustained by prayers through hospice and is peaceful and comforted. I do think that Baptist ministers come and pray with those in hospice, and I’m sure Wade can confirm this. I will continue to pray for him. Please keep us informed as he journeys through hospice.
You’re right; probably most Baptists including me, don’t know what the “formal sacrament of Reconciliation” is.
A year after World War II was over, I was 15, and our family was in Germany. I’ll never forget seeing a huge Catholic church. There were beautiful paintings on the ceiling that looked like they were painted with gold.
We learned later that the people were ‘sharecroppers’; they’d given their land to the church to have their deceased relatives prayed into heaven.
Thanks again for praying for Bill.
How do Catholics interpret?
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16 NLT)
My first response didn’t make it through ‘the machine’, so I’ll try again. 🙂
I think that Catholics regard ‘believes’ in a very different way from evangelical fundamentalism.
For example if you look at chapter 25 of St. Matthew’s Gospel, you can see the way the Catholics regard ‘believing’ in Christ as His followers as opposed to those who say ‘Lord, Lord’ and do not obey Him. He knows the difference and can separate the sheep from the goats.
So Catholics regard ‘belief’ in Christ very differently when it comes to the kind of belief that even the demons have in Him . . . . . one is to follow Our Lords teachings that yield the fruit of the Holy Spirit in the life of those who live for Him, in Him, and through Him;
as opposed to those who ‘say’ they believe, but still do not have humility before the Lord because of their self-righteous pride and those who harbor contempt for ‘those other sinners’ and who feel that they are so superior that they nolonger realize they, too, are sinners in need of Our Lord’s grace.
The ‘difference’ can be found in chapter 25 of St. Matthew’s Gospel.
There are other reflections, but that is the one that separates the Catholic viewpoint from any ‘casual’
saying of “Lord, Lord” while choosing consciously to act like a ‘goat’ in willingly abusing ‘the others’ and having contempt for those who are ‘suffering and lost and without a shepherd’ 🙂