Judge Paul Pressler died last week.
I did. But that’s because I considered Paul my friend up until the point I confronted Paul over allegations against him for sexual predatory abuse.
Our friendship ended. No more Christmas cards. No more letters.
It ended not because I hated Paul. No, it ended because I believed Paul needed to come clean, and I told him so.
He didn’t. Then, he died.
Nobody noticed because Paul Pressler has been scrubbed from our collective SBC memory. I’ve become a believer in Immanuel Velikosky’s Collective Amnesia theory.
Pressler, the so-called Southern Baptist Convention’s Conservative Resurgence co-architect, died in obscurity. All that’s left of his legacy is an obit.
The stained glass windows at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, established to honor Judge Pressler (and others), were removed before he died.
You don’t put up stained glass for men who live in glass houses.
Robert Morris and the Abuse of a 12-Year-Old

(L to R) Wade Burleson, his wife Rachelle, Brian, and Cindy Clemishire.
(Note: What is written below is by Cindy Clemishire’s permission.)
The Internet exploded last night with the allegations of child sexual predatory abuse against Robert Morris, pastor of Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, one of the largest evangelical churches in the United States.
Mainstream media is now picking up the story.
My friend, Cindy Clemishire, has accused Robert Morris of sexually predatory behavior against her, beginning at the age of twelve, predatory behavior that continued for nearly five years until Cindy was 17.

Cindy Clemishire
Cindy first shared her story with my wife and me at dinner last month (May 2024).
I knew immediately Cindy was telling the truth. There are ways you know a victim of child abuse is speaking the truth, and Cindy crossed every threshold.
I will not explain why Cindy Clemishire felt comfortable sharing the details of her story with my wife and me. It’s not a necessary detail to share Cindy’s history of child sexual abuse.
Cindy is strong. She loves Jesus. She is articulate, compassionate, and discriminate.
For years, Cindy has tried to get Christian leaders to do something.
Rachelle and I met Cindy in 2022. Over several months, we became friends, and Cindy grew to trust us.
By May 2024, Cindy felt comfortable sharing her story with us.
I was stunned when I heard her story.
I connected Cindy to my friend Dee (Darlene) Parsons of Wartburg Watch. Dee knows as much about institutional predatory abuse as I do. She also knows what to do.
Dee’s article came out on Saturday, June 14, 2024.
By that afternoon, Gateway Church released this letter:
Father’s Day

I texted my four grown kids this morning on Father’s Day.
I also called Cindy, who was with her father on Father’s Day. I prayed for her father, mother, and Cindy over the phone.
Why? Because people ask questions about Cindy and her family online. Here’s an example:

Here’s my answer:
I’ll state what isn’t apparent from Cindy’s story.
She “came forward” several times in years past to Christian “leaders” asking for help. Nobody would help her.
These leaders encouraged her to forgive and keep her story quiet, refusing to take steps to hold Pastor Morris accountable.
She finally told her story to a Christian pastor who knew that she was strong, could handle the forthcoming and expected questions like yours, and knew that to remain silent after hearing her story was to be complicit in the cover-up.
The letter sent out from Gateway Church neglected to mention the child was 12 when the abuse began, that Robert was married, was preaching the gospel for pay (youth revivals), and continued the sexual abuse with “the young lady” for nearly half a decade.
This isn’t moral indiscretion.
This is statutory rape of a minor, punishable by up to 30 years in prison.
The Apostle Peter said judgment must begin in the house of God. It should be remembered that people who love Jesus and His church guided Cindy on how to ensure future perps in the pulpit are stopped dead in their tracks when even a traitorous thought of predatory behavior enters their heads.
They’ll remember what happened to Robert Morris. Sexual predatory behaviors by church leaders carry a stench that no amount of incense or success can erase.
Be sure. Your sins will find you out.

Cindy and her family, including her father and mother (front row).
To Cindy’s Father
Sir, I admire the heck out of you!
You are a man of integrity. You love Jesus and His Kingdom.
When you discovered the abuse of your daughter, you protected her, risking your ministry to confront the evil done to your family.
Some ask, “Why didn’t Cindy’s father go to the police when it happened?”
I’d love to answer that question on your behalf on Father’s Day.
- Cindy’s father protected his daughter in forceful, absolute terms.
- Cindy’s father loves Jesus and desires no ill repute over Jesus’ name.
- In the mid-1980s, people in Christ’s Kingdom didn’t know what we now know.
- Celebrity preachers are detrimental to the cause of Christ and His Kingdom.
- Gospel ministers of character would never abuse a 12-year-old child, regardless.
- If a “minister” abuses a child, institutional religious leaders should remove him.
- Law enforcement must be involved, but a child must know her father protects her.
- Cindy knows her father went to the extreme to protect her from predatory abuse.
- The fault for this case of child abuse not ending up in court is on religious leaders.
- Happy Father’s Day, sir, because this injustice that has broken your heart is about to be corrected by the people who should have held Robert Morris accountable.
A Final Word of Caution
Tony Evans stepped down this past week from pastoring in Dallas after confessing to “a moral indiscretion.” Robert Morris will not be returning to Gateway Church.
Judge Pressler is dead, and his legacy is a scrubbed online obituary.
If you are reading this and are in ministry, never forget the lesson of June 2024 from the lives and ministries of Robert Morris, Tony Evans, and Judge Pressler.
A stained heart in a glass window house brings the house down.
For the sake of Christ and His Kingdom, stay faithful. stay pure, stay strong.

How do you know Robert Morris won’t be returning? As a (former) member of his congregation, we have heard nothing from the church. I want nothing more than to hear he’s stepping down, NEVER to return to ministry. But it’s crickets… If you know this to be true, would you mind sharing how you know? I’m so unsettled with this. I have 4 young daughters of my own and am absolutely sick.
My family attended Gateway for years. I have heard the story of his indiscretion. The way he explained it one was led to believe it was a consensual affair with an adult woman. Finding out she was a young child was devastating. We feel deceived.
The release says the matter was dealt with. Half truths are whole lies.
It doesn’t matter how you spin this, her parents should’ve went to the police. Period! They failed their daughter! Also, why didn’t she go to the police instead of trying to seek help from Christian leaders, that doesn’t make sense either. Her story doesn’t add up. It’s weird they didn’t go to the authorities! Why now, there are so many news outlets that would’ve picked up her story back in 2000, when Pastor Robert started Gateway. Why, wait 24 years after that?
No spin. Only trust that Cindy believes her father (and mother) moved quickly, forcefully, and emphatically when they discovered the abuse. Her trust in her father is sufficient for me. I don’t disagree that police should be involved. I’m only trying to help everyone keep their eye on the ball.
Okay many will disagree with me and that is okay! I am so heartbroken for all families involved. I have lost sleep, cried. I think it is sad the way this public ousting impacts the church as a whole and specifically the Gateway community who is filled with wonderful, god-loving, people! I do not see the point in publicly shaming pastor Morris for something that happened over 35 years ago and was confessed then. Why do this publicly, now, and not 30 years ago. This has hurt many many people, including his wife who dealt with this all those years ago!…she already lived through this. So Cindy decided, let me put his family through hell because now seems like a good time though I have had 30 years to put this out there. What did she hope to accomplish? He was already retiring. Hurting him with this, hurt the church, and many innocent people, and for what? I do not believe this was the only way to deal with what happened. It is a shame! …and now people who do not know the whole story, people who claim to be Christians, are finding themselves being the judge over a situation that really only two people and God know what truly happened. …and then finding joy in the destruction of Pastor’s life, his family, and the overall damage to many people. This does not negate all the good that has come from his ministry or the people impacted for the better. We should be praying, not making statements like.. “let’s just see how Gateway handles this!” Do people forget all the dysfunctional people in the bible? Sarah and Abraham abused Hagar, David slept with Bathsheba, thank God that he is God and not us! Only he knows a man’s heart! My family and I will continue to pray for the families involved… and we will also know that God, thankfully, still uses and loves us all in spite of our deepest sins past or present!
April, with respect, had the child sexual molestation been dealt with honestly, transparently, and judicially, Robert Morris would have gone to prison. There never would have been a Gateway Church. I’m not negating the good that Gateway has done (or the people there). I’m simply saying these types of crimes cannot be covered.
If her father & mother did not report crime to authorities then why judge the Elders @ Gateway.
I thought it was a crime to NOT report child abuse?
Why should anyone else react if her parents did not think it was important enough to report?
Her parents lack of action is what makes others doubt the truth of this story.
They are asking others to do something that they would not do??????
Why would her parents risk having any other girl get abused?
On so many levels, they were so wrong to not go to the authorities.
I don’t like this tarred and feathered approach!
My question is why now? What are you after? Robert Morris has helped so many people! Tony Evans has also helped so many people. People are flawed and they should receive grace and forgiveness, just like any other person that seeks repentance. It doesn’t make sense to me on why she would tell this story now. I think there is more harm in this than good. Cancelling all the good these people have done doesn’t seem right. This seems vengeful.
Jennifer, it is exactly these types of comments you just made that keep victims from speaking truth in the first place. God does not need to be protected. A girl at twelve years old needed to be protected. The church and Robert’s ministry is not the victim here. Victims sit in pain and silence for years for fear of victim blaming and shaming. Cindy is courageous and bold. God bless her and her family for what they endured and sadly now must endure for finally having a voice.
Truth will make you free.
The “why now” is a useless and wrong question.
A more pertinent one is:
What were the obstacles that caused the question to be put so late?
If you really don’t know, the evil forces that prevent a victim from telling his/her story are immense.
The appropriate comment: At last, it has come out.
Jennifer, I could not agree more!
So you are ok with pastors being pedophiles?
She tried to bring charges against him in 2005 and wasn’t able to. I’m sure she was made to feel guilty as well, for ruining a man’s ministry and family. Her innocence was stolen and her childhood forever altered. I feel confident that if this was your daughter, you’d be singing a different song.
She did tell people when she was STILL A CHILD! She came forward and told adults. The adults failed her. Victim blaming is a thing! Her father also had to worry about her reputation as well because of said victim blaming. She trusted the adults in her life. Robert Morris never came clean! He spun it as someone of age to consent! He never said she was 12. He didn’t tell the full truth. And if you read the article, it plainly states she tried to tell several people through out the past 30 years. She respected the God-given authority that was placed over her. You can be forgiven in this life but that doesn’t mean that you get away without consequences. God’s timing is perfect! Such a time is this!!
Yes. It’s toxic revenge He remembers our sins no more. As far as West is from East. He loves His children. Loving kindness. R Morris confessed to her and all years ago.
What concerns me is that one life for thousands. Pastor Robert’s entire family, his children and grandchildren are being destroyed. And all of his followers have been devastated. People whose lives were change. People who understand transformation, restoration, and Gods forgiveness. If God hadn’t forgiven him, he would have not become such a transparent anointed servant. I don’t believe this exposure was about justice but revenge with a twist. I believe she can’t get over him as sad and demented as that sounds. Look at her husband. He resembles Robert.
I totally agree! I think it was money motivated to do it now. Pastor Morris and Gateway Church are quite wealthy.
Thank you for pointing out elephant in the living room! Why were and are they so silent?
A lot of things don’t add up. I posted earlier; I doubt that it will be published. Only the chosen narrative will be published, of course. Logical questions should be dismissed and using common sense is not allowed.
That’s what I’d like to know. She was victimized twice. They should charge for not reporting a crime.
One thing that bothers me is everyone keeps acting like Pastor Robert Morris was a grown man when this started. He was 20 years old and I don’t consider that to be a grown man even if he is married. I am not saying what happened is okay but I also feel like poor Cindy was not an innocent little girl. I know that 12 year old girls can flirt behind their parents back especially when it is a good looking young man who apparently was in a position in ministry he was not ready for as a young Christian‼️ I don’t believe that God would not have used him like He did if if he had not repented and done what was necessary by humbling himself by stepping down from his position. I believe that Cindy’s actions are more vengeance and unforgiveness than trying to do the right thing. She has torn apart a church and shaken peoples faith in God. I also think she is angry that he did not “pay her off” years ago when she tried to extort 2 million dollars from him. Now she wants 5 million. Lastly, let’s not forget that she was 17 years old when Pastor Robert Morris ended what was going on at the time. You can’t tell me she was an innocent little girl then‼️
Listed 10 things but still didn’t answer: Why didn’t Cindy’s father go to the police when it happened?
If he had been an admirable, Jesus follower type father he wouldn’t had let a predator walk out free to hurt other kids. What’s there to admire? He seems cowardly
He should have gone to the police. But 1987 is a different day than 2024. We’ve learned. The main thing is Cindy felt PROTECTED by her father after he discovered the abuse had occurred for nearly five years. He’s no coward. Strange how you focus on the father and not the ministers, elders, and associates of Pastor Morris for not reporting him.
I am a father who would call the law no matter what year it was. The “but it was 1987” argument holds no water.
Tell me you are not a father without actually saying so.
He should be charged for the crime of knowing and saying nothing. He’s a coward that thought let’s not bring shame to my daughter/family/church. She felt so Protected, that was abused for 4 years and still seeking justice 30 years after
My family and I are also former members of Gateway Church (GWC). I volunteered at GWC. One day when I was volunteering I overheard two other members / volunteers talking about how the youth programs (especially the high school youth program) would get the child to “confess” their sins and then the confession could be used in the future to control / manipulate the child. That day was my last attendance at GWC.
The police need to investigate former GWC member David Smith. Why was Smith and all his sermons deleted from GWC. Smith, overnight, literally disappeared from GWC.
Personally, if Cindy coming forward with her story results in a hefty payoff, so be it. I’m so happy to know that her parents and family are getting a ringside seat to see justice served. How many lives might have been richer, more spirit filled and blessed if Robert Morris and Mike Bickle had gone to prison for their abuses? Robert Morris continues to lie when he says he’s walked in purity ‘in that area’ when he’s never publicly told the truth about what he did. He’s even published that lie in a bestselling book.
AMEN— she has had to carry this her entire life and most of her childhood. People like you are what keeps pure souls who have been violated quiet.
calm down Debbie
Pastor David Smith was caught in the Ashley Madison scandal.
One thing that bothers me is everyone keeps acting like Pastor Robert Morris was a grown man when this started. He was 20 years old and I don’t consider that to be a grown man even if he is married. I am not saying what happened is okay but I also feel like poor Cindy was not an innocent little girl. I know that 12 year old girls can flirt behind their parents back especially when it is a good looking young man who apparently was in a position in ministry he was not ready for as a young Christian‼️ I don’t believe that God would not have used him like He did if if he had not repented and done what was necessary by humbling himself by stepping down from his position. I believe that Cindy’s actions are more vengeance and unforgiveness than trying to do the right thing. She has torn apart a church and shaken peoples faith in God. I also think she is angry that he did not “pay her off” years ago when she tried to extort 2 million dollars from him. Now she wants 5 million. Lastly, let’s not forget that she was 17 years old when Pastor Robert Morris ended what was going on at the time. You can’t tell me she was an innocent little girl then‼️
I will be very surprised if my comment is allowed to see the light of day because it goes against the lynching mob that has started unfairly.
A fresh reminder that the leaders have to be held accountable. No one can hide from YHWH. Our world is full of evil but our Heavenly Father is still in control. I am so sorry for each person involved in this tragedy. Parents be cautious.
I don’t condone what happened “at all” but these responses on this post don’t sound like Christian responses at all.
Matthew 6:14-15
Jesus says that if you forgive others, God will forgive you, but if you don’t, God won’t forgive you.
Colossians 3:13
Christians should forgive each other as the Lord has forgiven them.
Luke 6:28
Jesus says to love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you.
Luke 23:24
Jesus prays on the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”.
this is not about forgiveness. this is about accountability and a crime that was committed against a child! Far to often in the church forgiveness is used a s a tool to protect predators from being held accountable, used to silence victims and harm them over and over again.
Forgiveness not NOT mean a return to leadership
anger is the only correct response. i truly question the moral fiber and critical thinking skills of anyone who is not intensely angered by this.
where in the bible is the requirement for instantaneous forgiveness? if forgiveness will happen, give people time to process.
I agree!
I agree with you completely. Robert Morris made his life message repentance. I believe he was truly sorry for that chapter of his life. This approach doesn’t seem Christian. Why not seek a meeting? Why the news cycle? I believe Robert Morris loves Jesus and that Jesus still loves Robert Morris. My prayer is that He works this for everyone’s good ! I feel sad for all involved.
He may be truly sorry, but he was never held accountable. If he wanted to do right by the child he molested he should have turned himself in to the police. Then the repentance would have actually meant something. Not just a big cover up of his crime.
Did Robert Morris really “repent”?
In the account, he diluted his crime, treated a 12yo as a “young lady”, and apparently, carried on abusing for more than 2 years after having repented, on the same (then 14 yo) girl!
Is this an authentic Christian repentance, or is it a yoyo game?
Jesus still (and always will) loves Robert Morris, but not this lukewarm semblance of repentance!
And let us not forget: the victim is Cindy, not Robert Morris.
He didn’t carry on for 2 years after he repented. Why do so many love gossip? Prayers for all involved.
Pea, it was actually ONE MONTH (Morris’ own biography). But, like many of us in megachurch ministry, numbers are fudged for our benefit. 🙂
What does his “being sorry” do for the child and the lifelong trauma he caused with his violent acts. There is no peace without justice. Can’t believe you would sacrifice a child for a man.
Oh my gosh.. not the misplaced forgive scriptures again. This is making you uncomfortable so you want to shove it under the rug! Nope, no more Cristian ease. Hod himself is exposing the dregs. Offenders beware. God shaking the house. Let it be so.
Lisa, as you know, I teach, preach, and live grace. Robert can be forgiven, but he’s disqualified from Christian ministry. Child sexual abuse is a crime. You can be forgiven of a crime, but the consequences endure. Recently, both the state of Oklahoma and Texas changed “the statute of limitations” for child sexual abuse. Whether or not there’s prosecution is up to the states of Oklahoma and Texas. Whether there is continued ministry at Gateway Church is up to the Christian elders and people of Gateway Church. I have more confidence in Christian people to do the right thing than some. Thanks for your comment.
Read your Bible my friend; God forgave Saul and used him mightily for His Glory. I believe the same God forgave Robert Morris and He has been using him mightily!! Let’s stop being judgmental and instead, let’s pray that the victim will receive healing and the spirit behind all this will be defeated in Jesus Name.
Matthew 6:14-15
Jesus says that if you forgive others, God will forgive you, but if you don’t, God won’t forgive you.
Colossians 3:13
Christians should forgive each other as the Lord has forgiven them.
Luke 6:28
Jesus says to love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you.
Luke 23:24
Jesus prays on the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”
So sad you’re totally missing the point which is why this continues on and on
God forgave Saul (who was an unbeliever at the time) after Saul repented. Robert Morris was already a “believer” AND a married pastor/leader in the church when he molested a 12 year old little girl. Big difference!! He should be in jail and should never be in vocation ministry again.
Here’s the thing, Mr. True repentance brings about change. If you have heard Robert Morris’ story about his salvation at “Jake’s Motel” and “Room 12” … he got saved and claims it “changed his life’s. Well, after his salvation, it was the following year that he began molesting this little girl..and for almost 5 years!!! I have known RM from Day 1 at Gateway. Not once did he come clean about the truth. He only danced around the truth never quite telling the real story. If he were truly repentant, he would have blessed Cindy with whatever she needed in therapy and paid for her lifetime therapy. He LIVES in a 1.7M house. His net worth? Just Google it. NOT ONE PENNY did he offer her to help her. Instead, he tried to silence her with an NDA! He is no Saul turned Paul. He is a sociopathic master manipulator and master communicator who mastered deceit at an extremely high cost to everyone involved- ESPECIALLY CINDY!!!
I applaud her for coming forward and SHAME on James Robinson and Olin Griffing and Tom Lane who coveted this up in the name of false pretenses.
I do agree with your every word… Except for the James Robinson part. See the video he and Betty put out – genuine disgust. And they never knew the full truth about Cindy being a 12 year old child!
Them I believe
You actually did not answer the question of why her father and mother did not call the police? Why did the elders of Shady Brook not notify the police?
When her father discovered the abuse, he did what he believed was best. He contacted those responsible for Robert Morris in ministry. He trusted them to do the right thing. Since the “Me Too” movement, men like Cindy’s father have learned that you can’t trust others always “to do the right thing.” He is the strongest advocate for reporting to law enforcement today, but he’s learned, like many have learned, that the old ways of doing things were not sufficient. The main thing to understand this Father’s Day, is that Cindy believed her father – alone – fought to protect her.
The only father who protected her is her Father in Heaven. May He continue to protect her and every single one of His children.
So true ….
Yes. Her earthly biological father did not press charges. This was his responsibility and yet he failed. This whole fiasco now would be moot if he just did what he was supposed to do.
I believe the father (and the elders) should have gone to the police. Lets not make excuses. He’s had years to go to the police.
We were members at Gateway until a year and a half ago. We had some terrible experiences with the elders there. They dont have a back bone, they are “yes men” to Robert Morris, and I’m not surprised in the least that they put out the “fluff” letter they did sweeping it under the rug… so, who is going to do the right thing and bring the police into this?!
Statute of Limitations was 2 years back then. Now as of 2019, it is 30 years. Either way, it is too late. I agree that charges should have ensued right back then in 1987. I still do not have an answer to why not?
“When her father discovered the abuse, he did what he believed was best.” Huh? He should have reported this to the police. Contacting his employer to fire him is the wrong way to approach this. Waiting over 4 decades to expose this is also wrong. I know you won’t publish this…since my common sense does not meld with your site here.
They are good followers of Jesus and know what to do in honoring God and protect their daughter against all this!!! What was need was done and we’re not better than this family!!!
Matthew 6:14-15
Jesus says that if you forgive others, God will forgive you, but if you don’t, God won’t forgive you.
Colossians 3:13
Christians should forgive each other as the Lord has forgiven them.
Luke 6:28
Jesus says to love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you.
Luke 23:24
Jesus prays on the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”
“She “came forward” several times in years past to Christian “leaders” asking for help. Nobody would help her.”
Can you share the names of these leaders so we Christians can make an informed decision on who we support.
Staff at Life Church, Edmond, where Robert Morris was speaking. Elders at Gateway when they offered her money for her counseling over the years, money she turned down due to the demand she sign an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement), and other men who (unknown names by me) who were holding Robert accountable. My more direct response to you is this: “How can you support the sexual abuse of a 12-year-old minor by a Christian preacher who was married, with a child, and preaching “youth revivals,” but when publicly identifying his “moral indiscretion,” made it seem as if she was a “young lady,” flirtatious, and he’s been “properly forgiven” when the family requested he NOT be restored.” Child sexual abuse disqualifies a pastor/minister from ever receiving wages for Christian ministry – period.
I thought that the returning to ministry was through Shady Grove church in Grand Prairie TX. Which after years he left there to start Gateway Church. In the years to follow after Gateway was having explosive growth, Shady Grove went on to merge into becoming another Gateway campus… The pastoral leaders at Shady Grove (in addition to Gateway elders) also hold blame? Can you confirm if Shady Grove Church was involved in this cover up?
Concerned Shady Grove/Gateway Member – By the time Shady Grove became involved, Cindy would have been in the 17 to 19 years of age range. I don’t know what Shady Grove elders did or did not know (how many times did the abuse occur? how old was Cindy when the abuse began? When did Robert’s wife and family become aware of the child abuse? Was he caught and confronted or did he confess and repent?) Those are the questions that should have been asked. My point is simple – a conviction of child sexual abuse in 2024 places a “sexual offender” tag for life on the perpetrator. I had many friends when I was pastor who carried this tag – true friends – and when they come to the church building, they had to inform us, be chaperoned at all times, and never be around children – for life. The photo of the sexual offender with his or her background and specificity of crimes and punishment was passed around to all church leaders and children workers, and the photo was hung on the wall in our print room for all staff to see. When I was pastor, we allowed the sexual offenders to come, but if they ever violate these guidelines, the police were called. By the way, those guidelines are difficult, but my friendship with these sexual offenders was (and is) real. I’ve forgiven them, I love them and they love me, but I’ve taught them that “grace” never defines who they are, yet “law” defines what they can do. So, a graced, forgiven, child sexual offender can be a follower of Jesus, a friend, and a person of eternal worth – he just can’t lead a church with the appropriate law restrictions applied. So, I can’t speak for Shady Grove. I don’t know what they did – or didn’t know at the time. And, to be candid, over time, my understanding of sexual abuse and the dangerous trauma involved has expanded over time. But that is for another time.
He was never charged, so whose fault is that?
Wade: Do you think the police will get involved in this case? Will this go to court … will they “settle out of court” as so often happens? Will there be a financial settlement?
Phil, it’s hard to say. What law enforcement or prosecutors will do on 35-year-old cases is never easy to answer. Cindy is not after “money.” She simply wanted her counseling costs covered and future twelve-year-old girls protected from being preyed upon by men in ministry. An admission of guilt, removal from ministry, and counseling costs seems very reasonable, but when it comes to the state, the question of prosecution is a serious one that will need thoughtful consideration. We’ll see.
It is too late. Statute of limitations has run out. Boz T. her attorney should know this. Any settlement will include an NDA. This is how it works.
In fact there was a great deal of victim blaming. Ha! They blamed the 12 year old??? Same old story, different day.
Thank you for this.
May others rise to truth as you have.
This hasn’t been widely circulated enough. I hope that changes!
God have mercy on us!!!
Wade, I love and respect you. I will never forget the time you took to show my daughter and me around your church, nor the books you gave me. You are the real deal.
What you have done for Cindy and her family is amazing. You have helped so many people in your life. I believe if there were more pastors like you the Church would be in much better shape, and if I could find one like you I would start attending church again.
We are all sinners, preachers too. He has helped many and built a great ministry for God’s kingdom. It was a sad event which happened in the past, Bible characters all have their ‘dark moments’. Only Jesus is the perfect one.
Exactly right!
One other perspective. I was inappropriately touched one time by an older teenager over my clothes in 1973, when I was 13. I did not come forward at the time because I felt awkward and maybe guilty. I didn’t confide this secret to my wife or my mother until 1989. Shame of what happened keeps abuse hidden for years.
In this case, the churches kept this silent, kept it minimized. Calling Cindy a “young lady” is not the honest truth to the congregations he served.
Pressing charges would have eliminated the illogical reason to involve the church. If RM was locked up, he would not be at the church anymore. The justice system would have taken care of it. Why can’t anyone seem to understand this?
Did Cindy explicitly communicate to the elders of Gateway Church she meet with of her age (12) of Robert Morris’s child molestation of Cindy?
Gateway member, the member of your church who confronted pastors in 2009, had no knowledge of her age. The pastors made it seem like she was of the same age of the pastor. She was a child. I think the reason Robert Morris resigned is because he recognized that his child sexual abuse could not be defended. He is guilty.
Thanks for the quick reply.
1) I’m referring to your comment:
-Elders at Gateway when they offered her money for her counseling over the years, money she turned down due to the demand she sign an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement—
2) As well as demand letter/complaint provided to the GW church in 2005 by her attorney. Was this accusation of child molestation and 12 years old in that demand letter/complaint?
3) Was a copy of the Wartburg Watch article prior to being released to the public provided to the elders of Gateway Church?
The purpose here is to test the comments made by the elders of Gateway Church that they did not know all the facts prior to June 14th 2024.
Cindy, I’ve come here to apologetically acknowledge the trauma you’ve endured. I sense Gateway needs to be dissolved & rebuilt upon God’sway. Understand that now, we members are going through our own trauma, not near the magnitude that you’ve endured, but trauma nonetheless. The man whom God used to bear fruit for Him, to build Him a church, is in God’s hands. His consequences have already started, & rightfully so.
Your dad should have reported it along with the elders—but they all dropped the ball, even in 2005. Mistakes were made, adults failed you, & you were not protected. May churches, agencies, & organizations learn from their mistakes.
May healing & financial recompense come your way. One of my takeaways is that humans can try all day long to cover things up, but humanity has no secrets. Not ever. Not before God.
Shame on you for giving a good report on Cindy’s father. If he was any kind of good father he would have told the police and put the pedophile in jail. He is complicit and responsible for his daughters continued pain amd it taking 35 years to come out as it is now.. Why the church doesn’t think it needs the police and to follow the law of the land is shameful. Just like the catholic church and relocating priests around to different churches all the while knowing what is going on. Judgement is waiting.
I don’t want to sound harsh here, but my wife and I have looked over all that has been reported and commented on and honestly are not impressed with Ms. Clemishire’s side of the story. April Babin up above has made some very good points. Why all of this now? Apparently, it is Morris’ contention that Ms. Clemishire, AS A 12-YEAR-OLD, was pushing herself on him, and gladly returning, even years afterward. Let that sink in. That is not Morris forcing himself on anyone.
Where does a 12-year-old learn that behavior? (The parents should be scrutinized here) That doesn’t excuse Morris, of course, but he was 20… married at a very young age, but extremely immature. Most 20-year-olds are, and for them to “be in the ministry” has always been a bad idea. Israelite priests couldn’t serve until they were 30. How many of you did deplorable things in your teens and 20’s that you would rather shove down the memory hole? And yes, even the illegal and immoral.
It also sounds to me like Morris did offer to bring this to closure, and Cindy’s team didn’t like the terms. And instead of pursuing that closure until they could come to terms, they just sat on it for over a decade and all of the sudden brought this to the public eye right before his retirement. It all smells wrong to me.
There is plenty of nuance here that Ms. Clemishire has opened up to scrutiny. Her picture above in that racy blue dress certainly doesn’t help her case.
Really DJ…you don’t mean to be harsh? Your comments are beyond harsh. You are really on a roll.
Really… Morris tried to bring it to closure? He was deceitful and tried to cover it up.
I do agree with you that there is a lot of stench “here” but it all falls on Morris.
I am glad God took Morris down. More people..need to know that our God is a just God and even though He will forgive us for our sins…He doesn’t take away the consequences of those sins.
Why now? It angers me that so many people don’t get it. I can’t speak for Cindy but I’m pretty sure it’s because of people like you blaming the victim. I believe Cindy when she says it is all in God’s timing.
Sadly, when I read your comments I wasn’t surprised. I hope that you will allow God to soften your heart.
I have to agree with you her, on all points. I am a minister’s daughter. We had evangelists in our home all the time. I can tell you that at 12 years old I would have know enough to be suspect of a minister who invited me to come to his room at night. I read her statement that she “went to his room”. I would have known that was wrong. And let’s hypothetically say that I was naive enough to go the first time; I certainly would not have returned after that. Furthermore, RM says he and his wife met with her and her family and apologized and they forgave him. There seems to be a lot of details missing in this story and I pray for the sake of ALL involved the whole truth comes out. My heart has been so grieved for everyone involved and I pray daily for everyone.
Question: Why didn’t Cindy’s father go to the police when it happened?
Your ten great points following this relevant question never answered it.
The abundance of words clouds this important question.
Please answer it!