Jonathan Cahn talks about demons, spirits, and gods.
Jonathan isn’t a nut, though the New York Times calls him one. If NY Times writes something, I typically take the opposite view. I read the New York Times every morning.
Jonathan is a Jew. He knows Hebrew and the history of the Hebrews (the Jews). The surname Cahn means “priest” in Hebrew. Jonathan’s personal ancestry is from the priesthood of the Jews. He’s very familiar with the Old Testament Scriptures.
Cahn’s book, The Harbinger, became an instant New York Times bestseller list and vaulted Jonathan into national prominence. In it, Jonathan performs a Targum. He takes the history of the Jewish people, including some obscure historical facts of Israel’s history. Then he applies the lessons to the United States using English and today’s events in our nation and culture.
What he does is called “a Targum.”
In The Harbinger, Cahn predicts the collapse of the United States. He parallels the pattern of events today in the U.S. to the events that led to the fall of Israel.
In The Return of the Gods, Cahn acknowledges the reality of unseen supernatural dark powers, gods worshipped by past ancients that are now taking over the United States.
Jonathan writes about the three major false gods from the Hebrew Scriptures: Baal, Molech, and Ishtar. Then, this modern priest/prophet named Jonathan issues a Targum.
Cahn writes that the people of the United States have rejected the Creator (YHWH) and invited the powers of darkness to take control of American culture. Cahn writes that the same gods of the ancient world, the gods YESHUA defeated at the cross, manifest themselves again in today’s world. Cahn uses Matthew 12:43-45 as his proof text:
“When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, but finds none. Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when it comes, it finds the house empty, swept, and put in order. Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that person is worse than the first. So also will it be with this evil generation.” (Matthew 12:43-45)
Jonathan produced a video yesterday (04.11.2023) that gives his succinct view that modern progressives who advocate for gender change are demon-possessed. It’s short and it’s worth your time to watch.
I know about the ancient gods. I don’t know that you’d call me an expert, but I know a great deal about Melqart, the god of Tyre, Marduk, the ancient god of Babylon, and Minos, the god of Crete.
Cahn’s book Return of the Gods never mentions these three gods.
I know history. I also know ancient mythology.
I have been writing about the LGBQT+ activist and transgender movement progressive in the United States for years.
The problems this movement is causing in the United States are existential. That means if the activism is not stopped, the United States will cease to exist as a culture and national power.
In my ultimate assessment, I agree with Jonathan Cahn.
But here is where Jonathan Cahn and I differ.
I appeal in my writings to your intellect, logic, and ability to rationalize the danger of transgenderism and LGBQT+ advocacy. I speak to you as a rational being. I have friends, family members, and fellow citizens who believe I am wrong in my views. I love them. I accept them. I honor them. I love them enough to appeal to their minds.
Jonathan Cahn believes that those who succumb to the LGBQT+ agenda are demon-possessed.
I won’t go that far, but I certainly won’t condemn Jonathan for doing so.
I advocate that you use your critical thinking skills and work your way logically through the issues of our country
Jonathan and I arrive at the same point: The ultimate destruction of Western Civilization.
Jonathan and I get just there on different trains.
So take your pick.
Either think of yourself as a demon-possessed person (Jonathan’s view) or think of yourself as one who has unintentionally fallen for the illogical agenda of a progressive crowd (my view).
Ultimately, Jonathan and I agree that your support of the LGBQT+ and transgender will destroy our country.
It’s your choice.
Either way, call to YESHUA for help and guidance, and “you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)
It matters not if you are demon-possessed or simply illogical.
Jesus will set you free.
You said Jonathan Cahn talks about demons, spirits, and gods. Does that mean he doesn’t talk about Jesus? You say he is a Jew. Is he a ‘saved’ Jew or a ‘lost’ Jew?
I agree with you and Jonathan that the LGBQT and Transgender is harmful to our country.
Jonathan Cahn is a Messianic Jew which means that his lineage is Jewish but he believes in Jesus as the Messiah.
I don’t believe in the existence of ‘the old gods’, no.
As for people who suffer from gender issues, I believe that they REALLY SUFFER and are wounded and that, as children, many are ‘pawns’ for the hateful on all sides to manipulate. So sad.
I DO believe in evil and in what it can do, particularly in satan, the ‘dark lord’ whose power is destructive and feeds on those with pride who see themselves as ‘better than those other sinners’.
I DO believe Our Lord Christ gave us a response to evil when He sent the Comforter to be with us and help us until Our Lord Christ returns on the Last Day, yes.
I DO believe most sincerely that the Holy Spirit provides to us the ‘fruit of the Spirit’ which is for us, the most powerful of weapons against evil, against the sin of pride, and against the temptations to think WE sinners are ‘better than those other sinners’ and no longer in need of Christ’s mercy to us.
The power of the ‘fruit of the Holy Spirit’, especially of love, patience, and kindness, offers a sure shield against the threat of being prideful and against the need to pick up and cast stones at ‘the others’.
How do we confront ‘evil’? Not with more ‘hate’, more ‘judgment’, more ‘finger-pointing’, no.
That has been tried and has failed. It is said among the Orthodox Christians that satan is powerless against a person who lives in humility before the Lord and who serves God using the ‘fruit of the Holy Spirit’ in this wounded world.
‘Veni, Creator Spiritus . . . and Thou shalt renew the face of the Earth.’
Judy’s favorite show is “Outnumbered”. It reported today that Bud Light beer took a nosedive in sales after an advertisement by a man wearing a dress.
Google states: “In the US, married and single gay men and lesbians are permitted to adopt children.”
How do ‘gays’ determine who’s the husband and who’s the wife?
Old story:
After a revival, Dad baptized 27 people in Red River. Dad was strong, but he was worn out!
An old guy told him that he baptized different than other preachers. He said, “They lay the person down against the current and bring them up with the current.”
REX RAY, I tried twice to comment but the ‘machine’ shut me out. I must have done something wrong. Hope you are doing okay.
Yes, I’m OK. Thanks for asking. Today, Judy and I worked trying to get the floating dock on our ten-acre lake back to its right position. A cable had come off and a strong wind had blown in sideways. Got a long way to go.
what do you think of all the talk about demon-possession?
it occurred to me that Lori Daybell, who is being prosecuted for the murders of her own children, killed them because she had been CONVINCED by an end-times preacher that her children were demon-possessed.
I am horrified by this kind of thinking. I don’t see it’s place in politics or in Christianity, no.
What do you think about it?
As someone who got caught up in the LGBT back in the early 80’s and got out over 10 years ago, I agree 100% with both ministers. I walked away from that insanity by the grace of God. There is nothing good about that lifestyle. I was never born gay. That is one of the big lies. Satan persued me at an early age. I gave in once I attended college. It was the worst experience ever. This went on for years. I’m lucky I didn’t commit suicide over it. Jesus is my partner in crime now. I couldn’t be happier. I pray for all those who have been sucked in by the great deceiver.
I haven’t heard about the woman killing her children. She must have been crazy. I believe the Devil never sleeps.
Saved by Faith Alone
Our Dad, Dave Ray, was a Chaplain in World War II. After a battle, he made it a practice to visit the First Aid Station. One time, Medics told him they could not prevent a soldier from bleeding to death. Dad laid down on the ground next to him.
He told Dad “Yesterday, I thought I’d be killed. I asked Jesus to save me, and He stepped into my heart. I was so happy I thought I’d live forever. Don’t know why I was hit today, but tell my mother I’ll meet her in heaven.”
An Army telegram saying her son was killed in action broke his mother’s heart. It hurt more believing her son was not a Christian. A letter from Dad arrived later. She wrote Dad, “You’ll never know how much your letter meant to us!”
Do some believe her son went to Hell because he was never baptized based on Peter’s words?
“Peter replied, “Each of you must turn from your sins and turn to God and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38 NLT)
But later, Peter learned you don’t have to be baptized to receive the Holy Spirt when he was preaching to the Gentiles:
“Even as Peter was saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who had heard the message…the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles…for they heard them speaking in tongues and praising God.” (Acts 10:44-46 NLT)
your good father’s letter to that soldier’s mother was a Christian act of mercy . . . I can only imagine how much it helped her.
stories like this need to be told again and again, especially in times where people struggle with their faith
That letter was ‘angelic’ in the message it brought to the mom. Beautiful story!
I believe you missed the point of my comment about the soldier dying and some (Church of Christ) believing he went to hell because he’d never been baptized based on Peter saying:
“Each of you must turn from your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38)
But the Church of Christ ignore that Peter changed his mind when he saw Gentiles were saved without being baptized:
“Then Peter asked, can anyone object to their being baptized, now that they have received the Holy Spirit just as we did?” (Acts 10:47 NLT)
Baptist believe being baptized is a symbol of a saved person being buried with Christ and raised to live for Christ.
The Church of Christ believe Baptist are lost because we don’t believe our being baptized saves us.
I feel sorry for any innocent child harmed by a person who considers them a ‘demon child’ who is ‘possessed’ or ‘turning into a zombie’,
as was the case of the two children of Lori Vallow Daybell, murdered by those who followed this kind of cult thinking. . .
today, in court, Lori’s older son said that she had murdered her two children and this made her laugh in court! She claimed her older son would ‘understand’ some day that Jesus Christ was ‘on her side’.
My God! Is there no end of the ‘craziness’ that seeks power by harming the innocent???
Sure, I’m worried about those who follow the cult of demonology and claim it is ‘christian’.