Photo credit: Doug Mills, New York Times (via Twitter)
“Remember this and stand firm, recall it to mind, you rebels… I am GOD, and there is no other; I am GOD, and there is none like ME… ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose.’” – Isaiah 46:8-10
When God’s people were facing annihilation by a wicked Persian government official named Haman during the days of Persian King Xerxes (518 – 465 BC), God intervened.
Xerxes could not sleep, so he asked the chronicles of the king (e.g., “a book of remembrance” or the court’s official daily diary) to be brought to him and read by a servant (see Esther 6).
While hearing the court’s diary read, Xerxes discovered for the first time that a Jew named Mordecai had stopped an assassination attempt against Xerxes.
“What have we done to honor Mordecai?” King Xerxes asked. When he discovered nothing had been done to honor Mordecai, Xerxes ordered the man who wished to kill all the Jews to honor Mordecai and his people. Queen Esther was one of Mordecai’s family members, and Haman’s secret plan to kill the Jews was thwarted.
In GOD’S PROVIDENCE, Xerxes read the exact page of King’s chronicles where he discovered a Jew had saved his life.
What Haman meant for evil, GOD turned for good.
No Luck in Life, Only Providence
The assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump did not succeed by millimeters.
The high-powered bullet pierced the upper portion of Donald Trump’s ear, missing killing the former President only because Donald Trump turned his head.
Luck? Chance? Fate?
No. Call it Providence.
Providence means GOD’S ability “to see” (videre in Latin) “beforehand” (pro in Latin).
GOD’S ability to see beforehand all things that happen means:
GOD permits, prohibits, or promotes all things for His purpose and His people’s ultimate good.
If President Trump had not turned his head at the precise moment a high-caliber bullet flew toward him, we’d be telling a different story today.
Either way, Providence remains in charge.
The fact that Providence had Donald Trump turn his head, regardless of your opinion of the former President, should cause you to believe that GOD has a plan for the future of the United States that involves Donald Trump.
I have said before, and I’ll say again, that I don’t like Donald Trump’s public persona. He does not always display the fruit of the Spirit.
But we are not electing a pastor to lead this country out of socialism, communism, and the intentional destruction of our Constitutional values.
I have friends who despise Donald Trump. To you, I graciously say:
“If GOD did not intend Donald Trump to continue to lead in United States politics, Providence would not have turned his head.”
“ The high-powered bullet pierced the upper portion of Donald Trump’s ear, missing killing the former President only because Donald Trump turned his head.
Luck? Chance? Fate?
No. Call it Providence.”
Wade, you left out an option: Foolery.
Draw a straight line extending from the supposed bullet path to the front of Trumps face. Looks like it meets his mouth, and not near his upper ear lobe on right side of his face.
Take a burst of compressed air along with a paper hole punch sharpened to a point, then at same time use burst of air and pierce the ear and see if an unsuspecting person just reaches for their ear.
I don’t think so.
I don’t know if Trump is a Christian, but the world respects America when he is President.
Off subject: Four days ago Judy and I returned from Fairbanks, Alaska where they had a celebration for Hez Ray, my twin brother who went to Heaven four years ago. In a parade, one lady thought I was him, and yelled, “Thank you for all you’ve done for Fairbanks.”