Recently, I was mocked on Twitter by political liberals who ridiculed my belief in border security, the Second Amendment, and limited government.
Someone suggested I was not a faithful follower of Jesus because I advocated policies that limited the federal government.
My detractors posted the photo (below) on Twitter, which they alleged represented my philosophical views of government, views inconsistent with my Christian faith.
Boy, do they not understand my views. As an aside, I marvel at how political liberals use Jesus to justify funding government social programs but want nothing to do with the morality taught by Jesus. “Show me the money, but keep morality to yourself,” seems the liberal anthem.
I’m writing this post to help people understand the difference between the church of Jesus Christ and the United States government.
The Pilgrim Fathers wished to merge the church and the state.
The Founding Fathers wished to separate any established church from the state but desired to teach all citizens of our dependence on the Creator and the Laws of Nature.
Modern pagans wish to eradicate any concept of the Creator from the state and create a government without God or Natural Law.
To return to the Founding Principles of the United States and our Founding Fathers, we must reject modern paganism and have an answer for those Christian brothers who – with good intentions – wish to return to us to Pilgrim nationalism.
The Pilgrim Fathers’ landing at Plymouth in 1620 is well known. The names of the men and women on the Mayflower are emblazoned in America’s cultural heritage.
The Pilgrims fled England in 1607 because they lacked religious liberty. After spending a decade in Holland, free to worship as they pleased, the Pilgrims grew increasingly concerned that Dutch customs and language negatively influenced their children.
The History Channel states that the Pilgrims decided to leave Holland for the New World (America) instead of returning to England because:
“The Pilgrims wanted their children to be English citizens, not Dutch citizens. But if they were going to leave (Holland), they wouldn’t be able to return to England for religious reasons.”
So the Pilgrims looked across the Atlantic Ocean to the New World (America), where English merchants had established colonies like Jamestown (est. 1607) for economic purposes.
The Pilgrims believed the New World offered them more excellent economic opportunities and religious freedom, allowing them to advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ by evangelizing the Native Americans.
Intending to land in the Virginia colony, the Mayflower was blown off course north, and the Pilgrim Fathers landed in Plymouth (Massachusetts) and established the Plymouth Colony.
The elected Pilgrim Governor at Plymouth, William Bradford, gave thanks to God at America’s first Thanksgiving celebration (1621) by declaring the Pilgrims’ move to America had provided for:
“The propagating and advancing the gospel of the kingdom of Christ in the remote parts of the world.”
American historians like David Barton of Wall Builder have focused on the Pilgrim’s devout Christian faith when they settled in the New World. A Christian foundation to the United States, say these Pilgrim historians, is essential for the prosperity of the United States.
These historians know the Pilgrim story. They can tell the Pilgrim story from memory.
Because Providence blew them off course from their intended destination, the Pilgrims believed they were no longer bound to the Virginia Compact Laws of King James. Before establishing their new colony at Plymouth (modern-day Massachusetts), the Pilgrim Fathers wrote and signed the Mayflower Compact on November 11, 1620.
In summary, the Mayflower Compact states:
- The Pilgrims must remain loyal subjects to King James, despite their need for self-governance.
- The Pilgrims would create and enact “laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions and offices…” for the colony’s good and abide by those laws.
- The Pilgrims would create one society and work together to further it.
- The Pilgrims would live by the Christian faith.
This last point of the Mayflower covenant is essential for people like the erudite David Barton and other Christian American patriots who hold to the Christian national view of the United States of America.
The Pilgrims covenanted together to begin a government wed to the Christian faith. That is a fact.
But something changed in the hearts of the 1776 American Founders over the next 150 years. The United States Founding Fathers had a different philosophy than the Pilgrim Fathers of 1620.
The Founding Fathers studied the writings of English philosopher John Locke (1632-1704).
John Locke, a devoted follower of Jesus Christ and a scholar of the Epistles of St. Paul, believed that government leaders should exhibit Christian character. However, the civil government should reflect the Laws of Nature and not the Laws of Christ.
Locke explains in his Two Treatises of Government that Christ’s Kingdom differs from the government of men.
According to Locke:
“Humans, using the capacity of reason, can discover that God exists, identify his laws and the duties they entail, and acquire sufficient knowledge to perform their duties and lead a happy and successful life. They can recognize that some actions, such as failing to care for one’s offspring or to keep one’s contracts, are morally reprehensible and contrary to NATURE’S LAWS, which is identical to the Law of God.”
By 1776, the Founding Fathers of America had moved toward a broader understanding of government than the Pilgrims. Rather than advocating the Law of Christ, the Founding Fathers promoted the Laws of Nature.
The American Founding Fathers of 1776 no longer spoke of “advancing the kingdom of Christ,” Instead, they said of a government bound to Nature’s God and the Laws of Nature.
The Founding Documents of the United States of America – the 1776 Declaration of Independence and the Constitution – do not mention Jesus Christ. But they say, “Nature’s God and the Laws of Nature.”
Founding Father Benjamin Franklin summarized the importance of the Laws of Nature in this manner:
Still be your darling the Study of Nature’s Laws; and to its Fountain trace up every Cause.
Benjamin Franklin believed that:
“Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature.”
And that:
“Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God.”
The Founding Fathers, rather than referring to the Kingdom of Christ, referred to the government of men and advocated that man’s Natural rights come from the God of Nature. These natural rights, including “life, liberty, and the pursuit of private property,” are guaranteed by Nature’s God and not the government.
In addition (The Declaration of Independence states):
“When a long train of abuses and usurpations…evinces a design to reduce people under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security (of the Natural Rights that come from God).”
The Founding Fathers referred to the God of Nature and Natural Law.
The Pilgrim Fathers referred to Jesus Christ and the Law of Christ.
The Pilgrim Fathers believed that this nation should be founded on the principles of the Christian faith.
The Founding Fathers believed that this nation should be founded on the principles of Natural Law.
Christian Nationalists today, who support the philosophy of the Pilgrim Fathers, believe that there should be national moral standards enforced by law and that all prayers should be directed to YESHUA (Jesus, the Messiah), for He is King of kings and Lord of lords.
Founding Fathers advocates believe the United States Founding Documents call citizens to nationwide dependence on the Creator God of Nature and the Laws of Nature, but that what individuals do behind closed doors is between them and God.
The Founding Fathers believed no immoral person should ever take PRIDE in immorality and that any immoral behavior should remain hidden. Whether covered or uncovered, immorality should produce shame in humans, created in God’s image. Pride in conduct that violates the Laws of Nature is abhorrent to the God of Nature and should be abhorrent to mankind as well.
The Founding Documents of the United States don’t mention YESHUA (Jesus, the Messiah). They call the Creator simply “God” and don’t give the Creator a name like YHWH (Hebrew), Allah (Muslim), or Jesus (Christian).
The Founding Fathers referred to the Creator as “the God of Nature” and His Laws as “the Laws of Nature.”
Franklin believed that the God of Nature, in some mysterious way, was moving in American history. “The longer I live,” he told the 1776 delegates in Philadelphia, “the more convincing Proofs I see of this Truth, ‘That God governs in the affairs of men.”
The Founders spoke of the Creator God and not necessarily the Messiah. The Founders believed that life, liberty, and private property ownership came as a right from God, not the government. The Founding Fathers of the United States thought that followers of Jesus made the best political leaders. Yet, good government was to be based on non-sectarian faith and Nature, which are true in every nation, regardless of the form of government.
But what is the State of Nature, and what is Nature’s Law? John Locke answers this question in his Second Treatise on Government: An Essay Concerning the True Original Extent and End of Civil Government” (emphasis mine).
The State of Nature is the natural condition of mankind and people living in a state of perfect and complete liberty to conduct one’s life as one best sees fit, free from the interference of others. This state of perfect liberty does not mean, however, that it is a state of personal license: one is not free to do anything at all one pleases, or even anything that one judges to be in one’s interest. The State of Nature, although a state wherein there is no civil authority or government to punish people for transgressions against laws, is not a state without morality. The State of Nature is pre-political, but it is not pre-moral. Persons are assumed to be equal to one another in such a state, and therefore equally capable of discovering and being bound by the Law of Nature. The Law of Nature, which is on Locke’s view the basis of all morality, and given to us by God, commands that we not harm others with regards to their “life, health, liberty, or possessions.” Because we all belong equally to God, and because we cannot take away that which is rightfully His, we are prohibited from harming one another. So, the State of Nature is a state of liberty where persons are free to pursue their own interests and plans, free from interference, and, because of the Law of Nature and the restrictions that it imposes upon persons, it is relatively peaceful.
A just government is established to secure our God-given rights (life, liberty, and possessions) granted to us by the Creator (Nature’s God). If any government begins to remove those rights, citizens must “throw off such government.”
In the upcoming semiquincentennial celebration of the United States of America (2026), we must acknowledge that American culture has moved from the Pilgrim Philosophy and the Patriot Philosophy to the modern-day Pagan Philosophy of America.
United States schools, businesses, and government have rejected accountability to God and responsibility to our fellow man.
Secular Humanism, the adopted pagan philosophy of the new America, is a religion that celebrates the human spirit but denies the existence of a Creator God.
“Secular Humanism begins with denial or doubt concerning the existence of anything supernatural—including God—but then goes well beyond that secular stance by positively affirming and valuing the potential of human beings to be kind, enact justice, solve problems, and make the world a better, safer, greener, and more humane place.” (Psychology Today).
Throughout history, any nation that takes “pride” in its existence and its denial of the Creator will be humbled by four things sent to them by God.
- Pandemics
- Famine (Economic collapse)
- Conflict (War)
- Sudden Death
The United States of America is facing all four things.
We must return to the philosophical Founding Principles of our Founding Fathers.
Some of my brothers and sisters in Christ desire to return to the Pilgrim Philosophy of a nation founded on Christian principles.
But when the United States of America was founded in 1776, the Pilgrim Philosophy of government had been abandoned for the Patriot Philosophy of government (see John Locke’s writings).
In Enid, Oklahoma, there has been a problem at the public library. It is a serious problem that may end in a lawsuit.
What was the problem? A violation of Natural Law. Minor children, a sacred possession of parents, were stolen secretly, silently, and surreptitiously from their parents to convince those children that “though your parents tell you that you are a girl, in reality, you can be a boy.”
That violates the Constitution of the United States and the Natural Law upon which the Constitution is based.
Our Founding Fathers also believed that sodomy violated Natural Law because if every man began choosing to have sex with other men and not women (a violation of the Laws of Nature), an existential threat would exist for the country. There would be no future generations of mankind. That’s why there were statutes against sodomy in every state of the Union until 1961 when Illinois became the first state to remove them from its statutes.
The Tulsa World editorial board asked questions about Natural Law when they interviewed me during my run for U.S. Congress. They didn’t grasp why I opposed sanctioning and endorsing homosexual marriage. I explained that what a man or woman does in the privacy of their homes is between man and God, but to publicly endorse homosexual marriage would be a violation of Natural Law and the State of Nature. Confused and confessing they didn’t know what Natural Law was, I answered:
“I can take you out to a farmer with a third-grade education sitting on his tractor in western Oklahoma. He’ll give you a wonderful explanation of Natural Law because he observes Nature. He’ll say, “I have never seen two cows copulate and create a calf.”
That’s Nature and following the rules established by the God of Nature.
Our country is falling apart.
For revival and reformation in the United States, we must understand the existential dangers of paganism and the differences between the Founding Fathers of 1776 and the Pilgrim Fathers of 1620.
The courts of the United States, including the Supreme Court, will understand the language of the Founding Documents, Nature’s God, and the Laws of Nature.
Liberals want to make the U.S. government into a Christian church socially. Conservatives want to make the U.S. government into a Christian church morally.
Focus on the Founding Principles of 1776, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Founding Principles of the Laws of Nature. Let Nature’s God speak for Himself through the Laws of Nature regarding the United States government.
I like what “Dear Abby wrote today. She quoted Dorothy Law Nolte.
If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight.
If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy.
If a child lives with shame, he learns to be guilty.
If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient.
If a child lives with encouragement, he learns confidence.
If a child lives with praise, he learns to appreciate.
If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice.
If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith.
If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself.
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, he learns to find love in the world.
I agree with you: “Our country is falling apart.” Did you hear a Russian airplane destroyed our drone that was over the Baltic Sea?
Yes, I did hear about the Russian warplane knocking down our drone. It’s crazy how fast we are barrelling into World War III
I agree; World War III is coming. The slogan of World War I was the war to end all wars. My uncle Hez almost died from mustard gas. We may be fighting Russia and China.
In my opinion,
the “Teaching of Republican Jesus” sound like the “Teachings of Republican King Cyrus” . . .
but that can’t be, can it?
Because the followers of Christ Kyrios do not, cannot bend the knee to another ‘king’
The Words of Christ tell us
that His Kingdom is ‘not of this world’, and
when Our Lord Christ has spoken, there are no ‘in other words’
“When the world hates you, remember it hated me before it hated you.” (John 15:18 NLT)
yes, I know that scripture. My problem these days is that it is getting more complicated in ‘the world’ to separate the haters from their victims. We all know hate when we see it and experience it.
But these days, a lot of people are getting labeled and hated because of those labels and we who follow Christ must never forget to recognize the human dignity of any person BECAUSE THEY ARE MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD and derive their dignity from that truth.
I am fearful of the harm that ‘labeling’ and finger-pointing at ‘the others’ can do. We know from the Holocaust how bad this can get. We know. But are we forgetting what harm may come from our contempt for any of God’s children?
Our Lord took on the hate of the world at Calvary and defeated it. ‘Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.’
I am worried that these days people are forgetting about the power of evil when hate is released and becomes ‘the norm’. I condemn the ‘hate rallies’, yes. Our Lord taught us a better way. Lest we forget. And follow ‘another king’ who preaches another ‘gospel’. May God help us now.
Does God love Christians?
Jesus said, “What is the price of five sparrows? A couple of pennies? Yet God does not forget a single one of them. And the very hairs on your head are numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to him than a whole flock of sparrows.” (Luke 12:6-7 NLT)
Asking prayer for my sister, Ann Rinker, who is in the hospital from a heart attack.
You said, “We who follow Christ must never forget to recognize the human dignity of any person BECAUSE THEY ARE MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD and derive their dignity from that truth.”
Would you explain how that applies to Hitler?
Rex Ray,
Yes, I will gladly pray for your sister Ann. Keep us informed of how she is doing.
Hitler? A ‘sinner’, yes. Perhaps he was mentally and emotionally ill? His doctors kept him supplied with drugs.
When one man comes and captures the ‘loyalty’ of millions and conducts ‘hate’ rallies, we know that what follows will be suffering and death for innocent people, sometimes MILLIONS of innocent people. We know this from Hitler.
What is the price of following such men? They tell us who to ‘hate’ and who must be ‘targeted’ and ‘destroyed’. They tell us we are ‘better than’ those ‘other sinners’. That we are ‘superior’ and that we are ‘threatened by the others’. They create hatred and fear and division. They ask us to have contempt for people ‘not like ourselves’.
Yes, we know the price of a Hitler. Look at the pictures of our troops liberating ‘the camps’. Review what you know of the Nuremburg trials. Visit the Holocaust Memorial Museums.
Rex Ray,
every human person is made in the image of God, even Hitler. And choice if given and God asks for people to ‘choose life’.
My question is this:
can a Christian person leave Christ behind and instead choose to follow a leader they call a ‘King Cyrus’ who asks them to hate and kill for his sake and be loyal to him?
Would a Christian person agree that such a leader is ‘above the law’?
I’m sure you know the answers to these questions, so I’m not worried.
Yes, I will pray for your dear sister. Try not to worry. Let us know how she does.
I was 16 years old when our parents taught school to GI kids in Germany right after World War II. We saw one of the Nuremburg trials. It was death to everyone if their only defense was, “I was only obeying orders.”
We stood in the spot where Hitler died. He had planned to take poison like his ‘sweetheart’, but after seeing her agony, he shot himself. His friend promised he would bury his body where it would never be found.
He did not want his body treated like Muslima’s body. Our father told us after Muslima was shot dead, they hung him, then drug him through the streets.
Thanks for praying for my sister.
Good news: my sister is a lot better.
very glad to hear your sister is improving . . . . . thanks be to God !
I will continue to pray for her, you bet.
Prayers for your sister! I appreciate you and Christiane.
A new post is coming up this afternoon that I believe both of you will enjoy.
Thanks! I just told Judy I hoped you had a new post. I also told her; I don’t know where you find the time to do all that you do.