When I was in grade school, I went to a speech pathologist provided by the public school I attended. The word “pathology” comes to us from ancient Latin and means “the study of (ology) disease (pathos).”
As a child, I constantly confused the “W” sound with the “R” sound. I spent an hour a week with the speech pathologist, changing the way I processed thoughts into speaking. I learned, over time, to make the normal English “R” sound when I read the “R” letter and the “W” sound when I read aloud the “W” letter.
My speech as a child was abnormal. It was diseased. The speech pathologist helped to cure me of the abnormality. I’m grateful for the educators and professionals who called out my “diseased” (pathological) speech.
As an adult, I now speak for a living. It would have been horribly unprofitable and horrifically embarrassing for me to continue saying, “Watch Woger Wabbit” instead of “Watch Roger Rabbit.”
The last thing I needed when I was a child was a professional saying, “Don’t worry about your pathological speech, Wade! The world must learn to accept and affirm you as you are.”
According to UCLA’s Law School’s Williams Institute Report on “Conversion Therapy and LGBT Youth (January 1, 2018), medical and psychiatric professionals throughout the United States have long considered childhood confusion over one’s gender pathological. It was a mental, psychological, or emotional disease.
Like speech pathologists, medical professionals would use a range of therapies and techniques to treat young people in overcoming their abnormal thoughts about gender. Some of these treatments, called “conversion therapy,” included:
- Inducing nausea, vomiting, or paralysis by providing electric shock treatment when aroused by same-sex erotic images or thoughts.
- Using an elastic band wrapped around the patient’s wrist for the patient to “snap” against the flesh whenever the patent became aroused by same-sex erotic images or thoughts.
- Inducing a change in thought patterns by reframing desires, redirecting thoughts, or using hypnosis on the patient.
By this year (2022), half of our 50 states have banned conversion therapy, believing it to be “cruel and unusual” treatment for children who suffered from gender confusion.
Whether you agree or disagree with conversion therapy, what some medical professionals are now advocating is a thousand times worse.
And it’s now beginning to happen in Oklahoma.
An Oklahoma hospital is now facilitating, arranging, and advocating, in seeming violation of our state laws on healthy organ harvesting and the Hippocratic Oath every doctor must take, for the mutilation of a child’s body to affirm the pathological thoughts of a gender dysphoric child.
The Oklahoma Children’s Hospital recently announced the opening of the ROY G BIV Program for Sexuality and Gender Identity Issues at the hospital’s Adolescent Medical Center.
This new program will assist girls who struggle with gender dysphoria by facilitating the surgically mutilation of gender-confused girls’ bodies, carving flesh from their arms and legs to create fake penises, and implanting those fake penises over the girls’ surgically closed vaginas.
This process is supposed to be less intrusive than conversion therapy.
In addition, the ROY G BIV Program at OU Children’s Medical Center will facilatie the process of young males (ages 10 to 25), having their perfectly healthy penises removed, and then scarring the boys’ bodies by creating imaginary vaginas cut into the spaces vacated by the illegally harvested penile organs.
Again, this process is supposed to be less intrusive than conversion therapy.
The United Kingdom has ordered its gender-affirming clinic, Tavistock, to close by 2023.
Why? Because 1,000 families have filed lawsuits against the clinic and their surgeons.
There is no long-term scientific evidence that supports the mutilation of minors’ bodies to conform to their gender-confusing thoughts. Short-term studies show deep psychological and emotional damage to children who undergo such gender mutilation surgery.
The Hippocratic Oath includes the words, “First, do no harm…”
The mutilation and removal of healthy organs in children violate the Hippocratic Oath and the healthy organ harvesting laws of Oklahoma.
So, why is the Oklahoma Children’s Hospital suggesting they can faciliitate performing such ridiculous surgeries?
“The love of money is the root of all evil” (I Timothy 6:10).
Roy is not a person.
ROY G BIV and millions of dollars are on the line through insurance proceeds, state egislatre’s redirecting mental health proceeds of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to OK Children’s, and a host of Rainbow Coalition activist organizations funds to facilitate Oklahoma Children’s Hospital arranging and/or performing ender mutilation surgeries on children. The name ROY G. BIV encompasses anonymous homosexual/lesbian/transgender activisism.
ROYGBIV is the acronym for the sequence of hues commonly described as making up a rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
That’s right. The Rainbow.
In the fantasy world of cartoons, META, and Virtual Reality (VR), Roy G. Biv is the agenda that tells your children they should demand others affirm and accept whom they IDENTIFY as being, whether it’s a boy, a girl, a FurActivision, a cat, or an alien.
If you can dream it, you can be it.
That is, with the help of surgeons who will mutilate the human body.
So, in the make-believe world of our modern age, girls who identify as boys, and boys who identify as girls, are affirmed in their false reality by real doctors who violate their Hippocratic Oath and mutilate the body of the child under their knives.
Typically, an Oklahoma doctor would have values that would prevent this harmful practice.
But when millions of dollars are at stake through facilitating complicated, expensive surgeries on pathological children, then it seems Oklahoma Children’s Hospital will consider butchering the bodies of Oklahoma’s kids.
Bodies for dollars.
I have been on the phone most of the day with the Oklahoma Children’s Hospital.
Their phone number is 1-405-271-5437.
Their address is:
Oklahoma Children’s Hospital
Adolescent Medical Center
1200 Children’s Avenue
Suite 5F
OKC, Oklahoma 73104.
I have left messages with the Clinic Director, Human Resources, and some other faculty. I would like answers to three questions:
- How MUCH money is OU Children’s budgeting for the services provided by the ROY G BIV Adolescent Medical Center, and is OU attempting to divert ARPA funds to facilitate child organ removal?
- WHEN did the ROY G BIV Center begin, and who in leadership at Oklahoma Children’s Hospital authorized the Center into existence?
- WHAT AGREEMENT OR POLICY exists regarding surgeries or facilitating surgeries for minors who have pathogical gender issues, and where can a taxpayer find that agreement or policy?
Stay tuned.
at what age(s) do they intend to operate on these young people?
Starting at age 10.
Matt Walsh uncovered a similar agenda at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital just a couple of nights ago on Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox News. He showed video clips from conferences beginning in 2018. The speakers promoted the revenue-producing value of these surgeries — $40,000 per procedure for females. Doctors and nurses that objected to these procedures were told they should find employment elsewhere.
When word was made public about this, the first thing VUMC did was take down its “gender-affirming surgery” website and all associated information.
Numerous medical centers are offering these destructive surgeries to underage adolescents — as young as age 16 — but word is getting out and citizens are pushing back.
Obviously, it’s the parents that give permission for their child’s sex to be changed.
Machine, it’s the parents that give permission for their child’s sex to be changed.
The Adolescent Medical Clinic at OU Children’s encompasses the ages of 10 through 25.
It’s the 10 to 18 part that is extremely troubling.
WADE, I understand your concern for these children. Please share with us what you can find out. And thank you.
I’ve seen a young woman on tv say these kind of people took off her breasts at a very young age because they had convinced her at that young age she was not a girl. She now says she was too young to understand what was happening, and now she knows that was wrong for her and is fighting against the people that do this to young children. Hard to believe this is happening in our state, but it’s getting easier to believe, unfortunately.
The most disturbing thing about this to me is the mentally disturbed parents allowing this to happen to their children.
Rivkah, good point.
Mental health is a huge problem in our country and I am appalled they are using money for these horrific surgeries that was meant for Mental health!!
This makes me so angry. I would high recommend Abigail Shrier’s well researched book: “Irreversible Damage: The transgender craze seducing our daughters.” Perhaps it is because I could easily see myself as one of the damaged daughters, decades ago. I grew up in a strict household where my older brother had liberties that were *never* going to be granted a young lady. In the retroscope, I see my parent’s desire to protect me, but at the time, if someone had asked me if I wanted to be a boy, I would have said “yes” in no way understanding the implications of that answer.
Just like the current state of vaccines in our country, we are leaping off the ship with absolutely no understanding of the waters below. I went to the OK pediatrics site. On the page dealing with TG youth, it links to a page for primary care for LGBTQ adults. It basically says that LGBTQ adults are at increased risk for infectious diseases, cancer, mental health issues and addictions, so obviously (/written with sarcasm) this is the direction that we want to encourage our youth to take. After all, this is “affirming” to set them up for a lifetime of increased health issues (not to mention the cost of hormones, operative complications, etc). Understand there there is no long term safety data regarding giving hormone blockers to young children that don’t have pre-existing hormonal pathology. Studies suggest that there will be an increased risk of malignancy, bone disease (osteoporosis) and cardiac/vascular disease, not to mention the mental consequences of no sex drive for most, etc. Yeah — this is the healthy, affirming thing to push our children towards. Check. Consider me educated.
placing fragile children with gender issues into the hands of any extremist agenda seems fraught with dangers, because the ‘agendas’ take precedence over the child’s individual special needs,
and when some ‘mistakes’ made by extremists from either ‘side’ take place, the results can be irrevocable and the harm to the fragile child seems inhumane
extremism – no matter what end of the ‘spectrum’ the participants are at, you know that clear-headedness will be over-ridden with propaganda
better to care for children who suffer from gender issues by employing the fruit of the Holy Spirit – one of which is ‘patience’ in that the ‘child’ in time will become ‘older’ and more mature and far more able to make adult decisions that might reflect their own needs as human persons born with anomalies or chromosomal variations from ‘the norm’
May God have mercy on these special children.
One hopes for wisdom in how they are helped in the midst of their troubles.
I told our Sunday School class this horrible story, but they wouldn’t believe it.
I told our Sunday School class this horrible story, but they wouldn’t believe it.
I told our Sunday School class this horrible story, but they wouldn’t believe it.
I told our Sunday School class this horrible story, but they wouldn’t believe it.
Why can’t I make a comment?
Wade, can you please help REX RAY ‘get through the machine’. And thank you.
I told our Sunday School class this horrible story, but they wouldn’t believe it.
I told our Sunday School class this horrible story, but they wouldn’t believe it.
I told this to my Sunday school class, but they wouldn’t believe it.
I told this to my Sunday School class, but they wouldn’t believe it.
Do you know the rules of the machine?
believe me, I have no clue . . . . sometimes my comments get eaten up too and I just assumed they didn’t ‘make it’ through ‘the machine’
but Wade checked, so I would believe him that your comments were not ‘in the machine’
double-check when you are posting that you click all the right boxes
(same email, etc)
keep trying and good luck !
Hey, something’s working. I gave this post of Wade’s to our SS class, and they didn’t believe it.
I’m not sure WHY you can’t comment. Make sure you’re using the same email you always use. I don’t have any comments in “moderation.”
Christiane, great observations.
Wade, do these comments come from emails? I just type.
No emails. You and Christiane (and others who have commented before) “just type” and they appear.
I looked and could not see any other comment on this post from you.
Blessings, Rex!
Rachelle and I just received the paper “Dad’s World War II Stories” – WOW! Amazing. Also, we received your check for support of Istoria (Rachelle said, “Wow! Rex is so generous!”), Yes, I said, he is. 🙂 Thanks for your support and friendship. We look forward to visiting you and your lovely wife one day (near Bonham).
believe me, I have no clue . . . . sometimes my comments get eaten up too and I just assumed they didn’t ‘make it’ through ‘the machine’
but Wade checked, so I would believe him that your comments were not ‘in the machine’
double-check when you are posting that you click all the right boxes
(same email, etc)
keep trying and good luck !
Glad you like my Dad’s stories.
Many years ago, after a chiropractor treated my back pain, he told me to take a hot bath. I picked up our newspaper in the front yard and laid it by the bathtub. My back hurt so bad, it took a long time to get in the tub. I got the water hotter and hotter. I picked up the newspaper, and started to read, but something started wiggling on my stomach. I raised the paper, and a small grass snake’s forked tongue stopped within an inch of my nose. I arose feeling no pain like the song, “Up from the grave he arose”.
Glad you liked my Dad’s stories. Years ago, I decided to take a hot bath because my back was hurting. I picked up our newspaper and laid it by the tub. I filled the tub, and it took a long time to get in because of pain. Then I got the water really hot. I picked up the newspaper and started to read, but I felt something wiggling on my stomach. I raised the paper and a grass snake got out of the water with its forked tongue withing an inch of my nose. I didn’t feel any pain as I got out of the tub like the song, “Up from the grave he arose.”
Many years ago, your father was the preacher at our last revival. He left to catch a plane as a prayer was being said for dismissal. In the parking lot, I yelled, “Come back Shane; we love you Shane.”
My Dad said, If I had your belt, I could get out of this horse trough. No. Daddy, you’re in a hospital bed.
Through tears, he said, I’ve done a lot for you.
In a flash, he was holding my belt.
He said, I’ love you.
I love you too.
Those were the last words we had on this earth.
Good words, good words.
Sometimes Rex Ray, your comments are heart-breaking.
Oh, but what a Day when we meet again!
In heaven, we won’t remember any ‘bad stuff’, so what I write here will be forgotten. One day, I thought my father had a stroke because he couldn’t do simple math and other things. but a doctor said no stroke.
This is what happened: Dad and mother lived in a nursing home. He had taken her to a doctor in Dallas because she was getting worse. The doctor said the medicine she was taking should be for only a short time, and it was a wonder she hadn’t died.
A Dr. X in Bonham had prescribed the medicine. Dad told Dr. X; he was nothing but a horse doctor. In retaliation, the Dr. gave him a shot they give crazy people which can’t be ‘reversed’.
That’s why he thought he was in a horse trough
One day I went to a Chiropractor for back pain. Afterwards, he told me to take a hot bath. I picked up our newspaper in the front yard and laid it by the tub. I could hardly get in the tub I hurt so bad. I got the water hotter and hotter. I started reading the newspaper but felt something wiggling on my stomach. I raised the newspaper and a grass snake stopped with its forked tongue one inch from my nose. I felt no pain as I did the song, “Up from the grave he arose.”
we will see our families again in heaven!
that is the ONE Christian appeal that drew so very many into the early Church – the promise that those who had lost their dear children would be able to ‘see them again’
and the earliest Christians prized the image of Our Lord as ‘the Good Shepherd’ carrying a wounded lamb on His Shoulders to safety . . . this image is still seen on the walls of the catacombs where the earliest Christian people buried their dead children.
I hold on to this teaching with all my heart. I wrote about it once, this:
“something is true that I don’t understand,
Why is it that we humans have an inability to ‘let go’ and stop loving those who have passed away . . . . there seems to be some ‘cohesive bond’ in the way we love that ‘remembers’ and in that memory we experience longing for the ones we have lost, and in that unending longing is a promise to ‘love them forever’.
If we WERE logical beings, we could ‘let go’ and ‘move on’;
but that is not what happens to most of us, no.
There is a moment that we see something within us that we know is far away ‘now’ but still it is present to us in the longing expressed that we will love the person who has gone ‘ahead’ until the end of our conscious time, and that longing is bitter-sweet, and there is no lie in it. So ‘truth’? A reality? Personal or universal in our human kind, this depth of ‘feeling’ so intensely experienced as ‘longing’, and carried within us ‘forever’
No wonder the first people to become Christians were those whose love for those they lost found ‘in Christ’ the hope of a chance to see their departed loved ones again. No wonder the first Christians often portrayed icons of Our Lord as a Shepherd bearing a lost lamb safely “home” on His Shoulders: an image often depicted on the catacombs of their own dead children. No lie to THEM, no. Some REAL hope for the first time was preached to them in those first days;
the hope that the ones for whom they carried ‘the great longing’ as a promise to love them ‘forever’ would find in Christ, a reality of being re-connected with the loved one who had passed.”
Wade AND Rex Ray,
I did write a response to Rex Ray that ‘disappeared’ when posted, so I also have seen ‘the machine’ eat my comment.
My own assumption is that I must have done something wrong. Please disregard if there is no other reason.
I will try again later, hopefully to comment correctly but I also am confused about what happened or how I failed.
Best to all on this fine Sunday. Stay safe and healthy, dear people.
Later, mother was in the hospital, and Dr. X said, “Well, Mrs. Ray do you think it’s time to join Dave? (He didn’t see my sister, who heard him.) When he saw her, he ran out of the room.
Years before, Dr. X taught a SS class. The reason I know; I was in it.
I’ve lost my last two comments to the ‘machine’.
Welcome to the club.
The road or trail to my grandmother’s house was on flat land with no ditches. They named it ‘Stinge lane’ because her neighbor kept moving the fence, so he had more land. Every time he did something bad, her kids would want her to do something. She’d say it’d be settled at the JUDGMENT. One kid said, Mama, we got to start writing these things down or we’re going to forget them.
To get even with the neighbor, my father would steal his watermelons. After he was ‘saved’, he knelt by a watermelon and prayed if it was OK. After a long time, he never got an answer. He opened his eyes and there was a big snake by the watermelon.
Hey, I think the ‘machine’ went to sleep.
My wife, Belle, and I were living in Grand Prairie, Texas. We started hearing rats in the attic sounding like horses. The solution was poison. In a few days, there was not a sound.
While eating supper, a huge sick rat stopped a few feet from us. He seemed to say, ‘Get me out of my misery!’
I got a broom from a closet, and came down hard as I could. But he dodged, and disappeared down the hall. He could have gone into three bedrooms. Our kids were grown and gone.
I searched every inch of the three rooms without success. I convinced Belle, he’d gone back to the attic.
She woke me, “Did you touch me?”
“Stop thinking about the rat and go to sleep.”
She reached up and flipped the headboard light on. Then started flipping covers off. When the sheet went, between her legs was the rat. I hoped the neighbors didn’t hear her scream.
Belle began to jump up and down on the bed as the rat ran off. She screamed: “Get him! Get him! Get him!”
Broom got him.
After a chiropractor treated my back pain, he told me to take a hot bath. I picked up our newspaper in the front yard and laid it by the bathtub. My back hurt so bad, it took a long time to get in the bathtub. I got the water hotter and hotter. I picked up the newspaper and started reading. Something wiggled on my stomach. I raised the paper, and a small grass snake’s forked tongue stopped within an inch of my nose. I arose feeling no pain like the song; Up from the grave he arose.
Many years ago, after a chiropractor treated my back pain, he told me to take a hot bath. I picked up our newspaper in the front yard and laid it by the bathtub. My back hurt so bad, it took a long time to get in the tub. I got the water hotter and hotter. I picked up the newspaper, and started to read, but something started wiggling on my stomach. I raised the paper, and a small grass snake’s forked tongue stopped within an inch of my nose. I arose feeling no pain like the song, “Up from the grave he arose”.
Machine woke up and is angry.
CHRISTIANE, don’t you wish we could make comments like the good old days?
I do, REX RAY.
maybe the ‘machine’ will get used to us or we will figure out the vagaries of how it behaves???
we’ll see 🙂