Every year in Davos, Switzerland, the World Economic Forum convenes. Founded by Klaus Schwab, the WEF is a socializing institution for the emerging global elite. Powerful bankers, industrialists, oligarchs, technocrats, and politicians gather to promote common ideas and serve common interests.
In other words, Davos, Switzerland becomes the Country Club of the World once a year, where the rich and powerful determine how to change the world.
The United States is facing a clear and present danger from the WEF and it has to to with the faith of the global elites in themselves.
The World Economic Forum is financed by billionaire George Soros and his Open Society Foundation.
What is an Open Society? George Soros explains:
“An Open Society is where people understand ultimate truth is not attainable ... (therefore) theories are subject to testing, and the process of replacing old theories with better ones never ends.”
Thus, an Open Society is the exact opposite of a Closed Society.
A Closed Society is a nation whose culture is based on either the Rule of Law (the Constitution), Religion (Christianity or another religion), or Morality (Western Civilization).
If you ever get the feeling the world is turning away from traditional laws, religion, and morality, look no further than Davos, Switzerland, for why.
Charles Schwab and George Soros welcome people from all over the world, including American leaders like Barak Obama, Joe Biden, the Clintons, Bill Gates, and other global business, political, and cultural leaders.
Attendees at the World Economic Forum go to church. No, not in the traditional sense of church. They go to The Assembly of the Worship of Humanity and listen to The High Priest of Open Society.
The High Priest’s name is Noah Yuval Harari. He is the most influential man in the world, yet you know nothing about him.
Yuval speaks every year at the World Economic Forum. World leaders fawn over him, hanging on every word, bursting into applause as Harari ridicules traditional Law, Religion, and Morality. Harari is married to his male partner and lives in Israel. He is a philosopher, author, and proponent of Open Societies.
He is also the most dangerous man in the world.
His book, Home Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, has nearly 17,000 reviews on Amazon.
Homo Deus means “Man is God.”
I have read Homo Deus from cover to cover. The book’s premise is that for centuries, mankind has prayed to God during times of famine, plagues, and war. But now, says the High Priest of Open Society, “mankind needs no god. Man is God. We (mankind) have the power to rid the world of famine, plagues, and war.”
I feel like ducking lest lightning strike as I write the preceding paragraph.
A cursory reading of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and all the other biblical prophets shows that throughout the history of mankind, God brings famine, pandemics, and war to proud leaders and proud people to humble them and restore them to faith in Him and His Laws.
“God humbles the proud, but He raises the humble.”
Sadly, the World Economic Forum has gone a step beyond the ancients. Rather than humbly petition God during times of drought, famine, pandemics, and war, modern elites establish themselves as “gods over their world” and laugh at the concept of trusting in a Creator and obeying His Laws.
Watch out.
Elites with that level of arrogance won’t be around long. The heart of mankind is corrupt. The rich and powerful now believe there is no need for God since mankind can cure what has historically ailed it (famine, pandemics, and war). The irony is that evil global elites will begin creating plagues, famine, and war to bring the world into their Utopia of equilibrium.
We’re seeing it now. But they’ll soon lose control. In the end, the trifecta of famine, pandemics, and war will always bring proud people to their knees.
Get ready. Revival of faith in God is coming.
Until it does, it might not hurt to get familiar with why the kingdoms of this world are so opposite of the Kingdom of our God.
Read Harari to understand how the princes of darkness think.
“Get ready. Revival of faith in God is coming.”
Wade, your post is interesting, although I know little about Mr. Harari or his works;
but can you expand a bit on what you think it will look like when ‘revival in faith in God’ comes,
as I think we have all anticipated in our prayers for millennia this:
‘Thy Kingdom come, on Earth, as it is in heaven . . . ”
but we know that His Kingdom is ‘not of this Earth’ from the words of Our Lord
and we know from Our Lord that the Kingdom of God is in us now,
” “The kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21, KJV)?
WADE, do you think that the prophet Isaiah’s epiphanies is coming soon?
And will the ‘revival’ of faith mirror more of Isaiah 58 or of Isaiah 35?
I have always thought that Isaiah 58:9 et al was a possibility of what a revival of faith on the Earth might look like, myself. But I think it will require a time of self-searching and repentance for having willingly further wounded those who suffer among us.
Great question, Christiane.
I see an Isaiah 35-type revival – but Isaiah 58 is in there too!
So, Haran is married to his male partner. I’ll bet he doesn’t believe because of homosexuality “…God turned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into heaps of ashes…blotted them off the face of the earth for all the ungodly in the future to look back upon and fear.” (2 Peter 2:6 NLT)
Judy took this to her women’s Bible study tonight, and they were shocked.
So, Haran is married to his male partner. I’ll bet he doesn’t believe “…God turned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into heaps of ashes…blotted them off the face of the earth for all the ungodly in the future to look back upon and fear.” (2 Peter 2:6 NLT)
After reading on the blog topic(s), I am thinking that there is someone at the other end of the continuum of extremes and that person is the comedian and conspiracy theorist J.P. Sears.
The two men seem to gravitate towards opposite spheres UNLESS Harari is more ‘warning’ about what he thinks the future holds, then advocating it.
I would need to do more research to figure this out. Very interesting topic, Wade. There is something in it for everyone’s interests.
How strange that people see things so very differently, but that is why it is valuable to try to comprehend all sides to see what is at the core of meaning in what all these people have in mind. . . .
what is ‘shared’ when extremes are examined? I find that to be a fascinating question myself. 🙂
I was 15 when our Dad, Dave Ray returned home from World War II. He’d stayed on the front the whole war and never lost in wrestling. His 210 pounds was solid muscle. He was our hero. One day a lot of us went swimming in Red River. I crossed the river where it was deep, narrow, and fast. I swam with the current and it was easy. Dad decided to join me but was down-river and tried to swim upstream. The river got wide, and the current took him farther away.
I followed on the bank. We were about 200 yards from the others. I was admiring how he could swim so long and hard until he commanded, “HELP ME!” (He was exhausted.) No one could hear him but me. I ran upstream to where the current would take me to him. He thought I was running away; “PLEASE HELP ME!”
He kept his hand on my shoulder. He could have sunk me like a bug, but he didn’t apply much pressure. I started angling downstream to the bank a hundred yards away. In a panic, he yelled, “GO TO THE BANK!” (It was 50 feet upstream.) I yelled back, “I AM!”
When we reached the bank, he laid on the sand a long time. Finally, he said. “I wouldn’t have made it without you.”
Harari is pushing protests against Netanyahu. If harari is such a bad guy, does that mean that the protests are bad? Yes, I’m new to this thinking business, so can someone help me to understand?
great memories of a time you helped your father – your story-telling shines like a diamond
made my day! 🙂
Thanks! I knew if anyone replied, it’d be YOU.
This link is interesting on Churchill wanting to start World War III with Russia.
Ah, yes, Winston Churchill
he lived in ‘interesting times’ and we can claim one half of his genetics in that his mother was American born!
He wasn’t going to ‘bow down’ to some dictator and ‘trust’ him, no way.
And sometimes, REX RAY, I think if the Brits hadn’t had Churchill to inspire them, we all might be speaking German today . . . . but in ‘interesting times’, if the right person comes along, tyranny is resisted instead of ‘accommodated’, as Britain initially bought into ‘appeasement’ of Hitler which proved a failure . . . . but you know the history, yes
I wonder why now, in 2022, we have whole groups of people in this country devoted to Hitler’s memory? Many showed up at Charlottesville, VA to march and wore their swastika arm bands and shouted their Nazi slogans such as ‘Jews will not replace us’, etc. Frightening to see this. And more frightening to me to hear from an American president that, at the rally in Charlottesville, ‘there were good people on both sides’.
For me, that was the end of ‘trust’ in that president. He had crossed a line even worse than choosing to believe Putin over our own US intelligence sources . . . .
But Churchill? He stood up against Hitler.
That was an interesting link about Churchill. If it’s true, he saw right through Stalin also (Stalin was the murderer of MILLIONS more than Hitler)
Have you heard of the “Russian Iron Curtain”? Our family of two sisters, Mother, Dad, Hez, and I were caught behind that Curtain without the proper stamp on Dad’s ‘papers’. They got a Russian General up at five A.M. to see what was to be done with us. At the time any America G.I. in our situation would be put in prison until our army got him out. The General let us go with our promise to get the stamp on Dad’s papers at the American Amnesty that was nearby. We returned with the stamp, and the Russians were all smiles.
Not so with France when we tried to go into their country even though we had the proper papers. (The guards wanted a ‘bribe’, but Dad wasn’t about to give them any money.)
So the ‘gendarmes’ tried to shake your good father down for bribes, and he resisted! Good for him!
I have nothing against the Russian people, REX RAY, but I think Putin is crazy like a fox and IS the enemy of our own nation and also the enemy of Western Civilization as he is ‘ex-KGB’ and still is acting the ‘dictator’ of the old days when Russia was the USSR. . . . .
I love the great Russian classical musicians, the great Russian novelists (especially Doestoyevsky (sp?), and the Russian ballet is without doubt, the best in the world . . . .
but what a sad, sad history the Russians have borne . . . . and it’s not over yet for them, no. Putin is ambitious. And people are dying.
I’m glad your father and you all got out of Russia safely. . . . that was a close call.
But I think some day, the Russian people will have a chance to have an honest voice in their own government, hopefully. Did you hear that many of Putin’s oligarchs have recently ‘committed suicide’ almost all at the same time? Wonder of wonders. Maybe Putin figured out that he had been lied to by his top people and ‘cleaned house’? Another page out of Stalin’s play book?
BTW, my family has a daughter in law who speaks Russian fluently (she grew up in Latvia when it was a part of the USSR), and she also speaks three other languages . . . (and she can quote Doestoyevsky which impresses me)
and my nephew (my brother’s youngest son) has married a Chinese national and that beautiful young lady speaks Mandarin Chinese.
It’s a small world, at least in my family. But I for one am mightly glad to live in this country, where I have a voice and can vote. . . . at least for now.
You take care! Summer’s ‘over’ and it should get cooler soon. (I hope.) 🙂
This week the Bonham, Texas ‘Leader newspaper’ with a publication of fifteen thousand, printed the story of Dad and me in Red River.
Well done of them! Your stories need to be heard and I am very fortunate to have ‘connected’ with Wade’s blogs over the years and hear many of them.
Your good father was smarter than the average bear, and you are a chip off the old block;
but I still disagree with you about politics. No matter. Your stories reveal a good heart and a humanity that goes beyond political and controversial issues. Wade is the same way. He has served people who have been hurt by the powerful and he has suffered himself because of it.
Politics will have its day, but there is so much more about our humanity that transcends the political realm, thank God. 🙂
Wade, I just landed on your “new” (?) site. New to me, at least, after following your former one for ages.
This post reminds me of why I follow you. It is so astounding as to be unbelievable yet it is true. How does such dramatic occurrences happen without being exposed to the general public? Oh, I imagine that it is due to the WEF basically controlling ALL of the media as well as other elements in the world’s infrastructure of unions, health organizations, education, and every other source of control imaginable.
Yet this information on Noah Yuval Harari totally blows me away! I mentioned before that this all seems like it is surely a fulfillment of Scripture in depicting the final stages of the end of this current dispensation. This new “Priest” figure surely supports that, whether with his being a central figure depicted in the Bible or simply his doctrinal teachings being representative of The Anti-Christ.
I can see how everything happening today could be a fulfillment of those details God has given to us describing how things conclude just prior to “The” Great Trib.
Thank you again for bringing those significant truths and reality of what is going on to the forefront.