Dr. Vladimir Zelenko died on Thursday, June 30, 2022. The New York Times, Wikipedia, and mainstream media ridiculed this physician for two years (2020-2022). However, President Trump turned to Zelenko’s Z-Stack treatment when he got Covid-19, rocketing the doctor to fame.
Two months before his death, Dr. Zelenko conducted an interview with Dr. Drew Pinksky. I’ve transcribed the full interview here.
But in this post, I want to highlight one of the most profound things you’ll ever hear in any interview, and it comes from the wisdom of Dr. Zelenko.
Dr. Zelenko had been an enemy of mainstream media, national and global health agencies (WHO, CDC, FDA), and nation-states who effectively suppressed his early treatments of Covid-19 in fear of “vaccine hesitancy.”
When Dr. Drew asked Zelenko why the globalists needed everyone vaccinated, Dr. Zelenko said it had “nothing to do with effectively treating Covid-19.” Zelenko effectively treated his patients with Covid, but his Z-Pack treatment was outlawed. Zelenko said the motive for mass vaccination is the global push for embedded Digital/Biological Identity Documents in human bodies for the purpose of governance, individual control, and global health.
We pick up with the interview:
Dr. Zelenko: I want you to learn about someone whose name is Yuval Noah Harari. Yuval Noah Harari is one of the most dangerous people on the planet.
Dr. Drew: Is this the guy that wrote Sapiens?
Dr. Zelenko: Yeah. He is a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and he wrote a bunch of books.
Obama on CNN called him his favorite author. Harari has influence and is called The Prophet by Klaus Schwab, Zuckerberg, and Gates. And he speaks at the World Economic Forum every year. And just to give you some tidbits of what Yuval Harari says:
- Humans are hackable animals. And if you can hack into an animal, you could re-engineer that animal, but not with intelligent designs. Not with some God above the clouds (Intelligent Design) but by human intelligent design.
- There’s no such thing as a soul. There’s no such thing as free will.
- We’re entering a new era. This COVID 19 crisis will be remembered as the transition to 24/7 surveillance through the implantation under your skin of biometric sensors.
- What previous tyrants and despots wanted to do (Nazis, Gestapo, etc), a few corporations and governments are now able to actualize.
And in the audience, you see Biden, Klaus Schwab, and all these degenerates, are clapping like this (Zelenko claps). I’ll send you all a copy of the video.
Dr. Drew: All right. Let’s step back from that and tell me why that is so. I’m trying to think of a good word. You use the word degenerate, but why? Why is it such a violation of your basic philosophical principles?
Dr. Zelenko: If you remember, whenever you were in college, especially in science classes, that give you a few axioms in the beginning, and they’ll say, “Well, on these principles we’re going to derive theories.” And they don’t really prove the axioms, but they use them as building blocks, and then the theories work, so we assume they’re true.
I’m going to give you a few axioms:
1. God exists.
2. He is good.
3. He makes us and is with us every instant in time.
4. So we’re never alone.
5. He gives us two unique gifts that are uniquely His, which are consciousness and free will.
6. We are given a finite number of years to live.
7. And during those finite number of years, we can choose to serve a Creator or not. We can also choose to connect with the Infinite and the Eternal through the choices that we make.
So being able to choose is a God’s gift that is not meant to be taken away by any other individual.
(Editor’s Note: Dr. Zelenko and Dr. Drew continue their discussion, then Dr. Zelenko points out how the axioms of a Creator and respect for His Creation, including the free will of human beings are being removed by nation-states and globalists).
Dr. Zelenko: Dostoyevsky and Nietzsche both predicted the carnage of the 20th century for the same reason. They saw during their lifetimes millennia of moral values built on experience and religious principles being thrown out. And then the attempt was made to replace those moral values with rationally derived human construct.
Dr. Drew: And yet in our lifetimes, I feel like we’ve seen two waves of humans stepping up and going, “Oh, we figured it out!” I remember in the 60s and 70s. “Everything that came before is meaningless. And we’ve now figured it out…” In Russia, it came 100 years ago. The same kind of nonsense, which is, “We have now figured out the truth and everything that came before is adulterated and evil.” And on we go. And whenever I hear those, obviously I shudder … and we are in another wave of that thinking right now.
Dr. Zelenko: What they call the New World Order is a rebranding of the oldest world order of idolatry, paganism, and child sex.
These aren’t evolved thinkers. These are devolved pagans. They worship themselves. And by the way, the most interesting thing: They don’t believe in God, and they don’t believe in an afterlife.
So they don’t want to die. They have a problem, though. We live in a body that has a limited lifespan. So, what they’re actively working on, if you listen to people like Ray Kurzweil and this Yuval Harari, they have actually spent the last 30 years working on a platform, a hybrid platform, of the inorganic and organic unstructured humanoid. With this humanoid with Artificial Intelligence (AI) you will be able to download human consciousness.
This is literally what they’re working on. And then, they think they have found eternal life. They believe that you can have a series of bodies forever. You can get a new model and just be downloaded into it.
(Editor’s Note: Dr. Zelenko and Dr. Drew continue their discussion. Dr. Zelenko then describes today’s world and issues his final challenge to us).
Dr. Zelenko: So, anything that has any type of Divine sanctity, whether marriage, gender, life itself (the slaughtering of the unborn in an indiscriminate way), we’ve normalized its rejection. We’ve normalized debauchery. I recently read there was a transvestite dressed in drag that came to read stories to children – six-year-olds.
Now, listen, people can live any way they want. I don’t care. But when you begin to impose that type of choice on my children, when I have a different value structure, then that’s when the problem begins with me.
And so, in my opinion, this society has turned into what’s analogous to Sodom and Gomorrah.
We’ve normalized immorality into the law of the land, the very convenient way of saying, “God, we don’t want You. We have our own laws.”
But anyway, so I think that we’re being given a choice. And here is the choice. And you can’t sit this one out, you can’t sit on the fence. And if you don’t make a choice, you’re making a choice anyway:
Who do you believe in? Who do you trust? To whom do you bow down?
Do you bow down to your Creator in every instance of fear out of love and allegiance to Him? Do you ask Him for the fortitude to deal with the uncertainty and fear associated with living?
Or, do you let your fear lead you astray into a cultish co-dependency on sociopathic oligarchs and corrupt government?
Rest in Peace, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (1973-2022). May your tribe on earth increase.
GREAT POST! You quoted Dr. Zelenko saying “Yuval Noah Haran is one of the most dangerous people on the planet…Obama called him his favorite author.”
Obama was raised by Muslim grandparents. As President, everywhere he went, he apologized for what America had done. He bowed to a Muslim King.
Every time Obama was on TV, my brother-in-law had to clean the spit off.
And yet, in the midst of all of this human frailty,
there are times when, for many believers, their focus RETURNS to Jesus Christ and Him Crucified, and for a time, they are ‘home’ in the Body of Christ which endures in spite of all human frailty and foolishness. For those who seek Him, there is a greater need for His peace than for ‘assurance of salvation’ from some denomination’s leaders, and for those who seek Him, there is some protection from the manipulation and the ‘control’ of those who would have folks follow THEM instead of their own God-given consciences.
There seems some in-built protection in the Body of Christ that doesn’t permit it to give up on the promise of ‘Fear not’ found in the Presence of the Holy.
As long as that sanctuary is safe-harbor for our wounded souls, the Peace of Christ keeps us from the fear-filled despair inherent in all man-made devices of ‘what we must do to be saved’.
Have you heard of the book? “The Worst President in History; the Legacy of Barack Obama” by Matt Margolis & Mark Noonan; edited by Matthew Souders. It lists 1,193 ‘bad’ things Obama has done.
#6: “As President, he blocked the Keystone pipeline, which would bring oil from Canada into the United States and create thousands of jobs.”
#27: “Obama believed climate change is our biggest threat and declared war on fossil fuel energy.”
#551: “Obama told military leaders to accept Gays in Military or step Down.”
#1161: “Obama administration blocked FBI probe of Clinton Foundation corruption.”
I do believe Mr. Obama is the worst President in the history of the United States. I’m not sure I have to read the book to make that determination. 🙂
Hope everyone had a good Fourth and is doing well.
Yesterday was our sixth anniversary. 😊
Opps; seventh anniversary.
Had cataract surgery yesterday on one eye. I’m going to give this to the Leader Newspaper:
“My father said the first sign of an idiot was they liked noise.
Idiots would be happy that our smooth and quiet concrete highway 82 to Bonham has been covered with asphalt. Because of noise, you can’t hear your radio.
Beside noise, asphalt wears tires out faster and hurts gas milage. Who’s responsible for this?”
Hope your surgery went well, REX RAY.
They usually only do one eye at a time (thank God! )
as for ‘hearing’, get yourself some earphones to connect up to your radio;
the earphones don’t cost much and make a big difference 🙂
I hear Texas wants to secede from the USA. Is this for real? Or just ‘talkin?
Lots of talk out there these days . . . . . hard to know what folks really think.
Take care, and use your eye-drops as prescribed so you can heal properly and keep your follow-up appointments to the eye doctor . . . .
you will be fine is my prayer
Yes, doctor did only my left eye. When I close my left eye, the bathroom carpet is green, but when I close my right eye or look with both eyes, the carpet is blue. (Judy said it’s blue.) Here’s an old story:
I retired from LTV when I was 62. I kept running for exercise. One day my pulse started going so fast I couldn’t count it, and I felt faint. I was taking a prescription antihistamine drug, Seldane. It helped to relieve itching and a runny nose. Seldane was taken off the market for causing irregular heartbeats. It also caused eight deaths. Belle took a CPR course and hardly let me out of her sight.
I stopped taking Seldane. Several months later, I told Belle I was going to do a bicycle ride that was being held. She asked how far I was going. I told her it depended on how I felt. I came home about six hours later. She was angry; “Where have you been? “I’ve called all the hospitals!”
I told her I’d decided to do the hundred-mile course; “Well, I don’t have to watch you anymore!” (I smiled on the inside because I felt like I’d been on a leash.)
If the pandemic was a dress rehearsal for a One World Order, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko was the spoiler that barged onto the stage and threatened to rewrite the script. The global elitist producers could have none of that. They couldn’t discredit the brilliant doctor’s Vaxx-free treatment protocol for COVID, though, so they took the predictable secondary route: media ad hominem.
I looked up “Dr. Vladimir Zelenko” online to see how major news media outlets announced his passing, wondering how they described him. Immediately following his name were these descriptions:
* he “touted unconventional COVID treatment” (the Times of Israel),
* he “pushed sketchy COVID treatments to Trump” (The Daily Beast),
* he “promoted untested COVID treatment” (the Jewish Chronicle),
* he “promoted unproven COVID treatment” (jewishnews.uk),
* he offered a “controversial COVID protocol” (lohud.com),
* he was a “simple country doctor” that “promoted an unfounded COVID treatment” (New York Times).
We never have heard any of these descriptions given to the Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, or SinoVaxx serums, even though they more than qualify as “untested”, “sketchy” and “unproven” based on the way they were rushed through development, lacking any longitudinal studies for long-term effects, and the fact that the J&J vaccine was pulled early on because of the incidence of blood clots in patients.
Bless his soul, may the truth-teller Dr. Zelenko rest in peace. It’s possible that God took him from this earth before those in the global oligarchy decided it was necessary to “remove” him themselves.
I remember the day when our circumstances changed and I assumed ‘watching’ over my dear husband actively . . . . he had a doctor’s appt. in the early afternoon and by five o’clock, he was still not home. Upon calling the doctors’ office, I was told he had missed his appointment. (panic)
well, we were not ‘cell phone’ folks, having retired and all, and not being very ‘tuned in’ to the modern world of tech, so I called my son and he came over and just as we were about to call the police,
my husband’s truck came into the driveway, much to my relief!!!!!
to make a long story short, my husband’s doctor had moved his office to another part of town that my husband was not familiar with . . . . but he said he ‘would find it’
he got lost, and ended up another state over . . . . LOST !
then he stopped for directions (finally) and got back on to a main road and found his way HOME (God is good!)
You are not the only family blessed with guardian angels, REX RAY.
We did not know it then, but that event signaled a change in my husband’s health for the worst – we were to find that out later –
I knew from that day forward, I would be ‘with’ my dear husband for each of his appointments. A ‘leash’? No. But I always found a reason such as maybe we could stop here or there ‘on the way’, and he accepted this. And I was more peaceful.
He wouldn’t have wanted to be ‘on a leash’ either. So I understand more than you might know.
We cannot stop the passage of time, nor the changes we go through, but we can find a way forward that is caring and still honors the dignity of one another. Life does not ‘get in the way’; it provides us with challenges, and new ways to care for those we love.
Hard learning for me. But I learned.
You take care!
I remember the day when our circumstances changed and I assumed ‘watching’ over my dear husband actively . . . . he had a doctor’s appt. in the early afternoon and by five o’clock, he was still not home. Upon calling the doctors’ office, I was told he had missed his appointment. (panic)
well, we were not ‘cell phone’ folks, having retired and all, and not being very ‘tuned in’ to the modern world of tech, so I called my son and he came over and just as we were about to call the police,
my husband’s truck came into the driveway, much to my relief!!!!!
to make a long story short, my husband’s doctor had moved his office to another part of town that my husband was not familiar with . . . . but he said he ‘would find it’
he got lost, and ended up another state over . . . . LOST !
then he stopped for directions (finally) and got back on to a main road and found his way HOME (God is good!)
You are not the only family blessed with guardian angels, REX RAY.
We did not know it then, but that event signaled a change in my husband’s health for the worst – we were to find that out later –
I knew from that day forward, I would be ‘with’ my dear husband for each of his appointments. A ‘leash’? No. But I always found a reason such as maybe we could stop here or there ‘on the way’, and he accepted this. And I was more peaceful.
He wouldn’t have wanted to be ‘on a leash’ either. So I understand more than you might know.
We cannot stop the passage of time, nor the changes we go through, but we can find a way forward that is caring and still honors the dignity of one another. Life does not ‘get in the way’; it provides us with challenges, and new ways to care for those we love.
Hard learning for me. But I learned.
You take care!