Oxford, England, February 18, 2023
Thousands of people gathered in the streets of Oxford, England, on Saturday, February 18, 2023, to protest their city commission. The commissioners adopted a proposal to turn Oxford into a 15-Minute City.
15-Minute Cities began as a concept at the World Economic Conference (WEF) meetings in Davos, Switzerland. The elite who gathered at this year’s 2023 World Economic Forum urged all western governments to multiply the number of 15-Minute Cities.
The Davos Men further urged governments to enforce citizen compliance with the specific laws of 15-Minute Cities.
The city commission of Oxford decided to implement the 15-Minute City plan this month. The people of Oxford, England, went to the streets to protest.
You should be paying attention before the same tragedy happens in your city.
What Are 15-Minute Cities?
15-Minute Cities are local municipalities where citizens can only travel in a 15-minute area or be fined by the government for traveling without permission from authorities. First proposed by the World Economic Forum as part of their plan to “save the environment” from harmful carbon as part of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations, 15-Minute Cities have exploded in number. Governments use specialized car tags and facial recognition technology to ensure that nobody drives outside their 15-Minute City without government permission.
Violators risk fines and imprisonment.
The WEF believes that during the next pandemic, 15-Minute Cities can be used to track the unvaccinated and others who leave their homes with the potential of spreading disease like a parasite.
The City Commission of Oxford, England, voted to turn their city into a 15-Minute City last week. Thousands of people gathered in the streets of Oxford on Saturday to protest the loss of their autonomy.
ANTIFA Shouts ‘NAZIS!’ at Protestors of 15-Minute Cities
Antifa, the radical, left-wing communist thugs who burned the cities of America in 2019, came to Oxford to heckle the protestors of 15-Minute Cities.
Why do out-of-town paid protestors come to a city where they don’t live to heckle citizens of that city?
Because Antifa is a Marxist organization that wishes to take down Western Civilization.
Antifa called the Oxford protestors NAZI’S, WHITE SUPREMACISTS, and FASCISTS as they covered their faces and yelled slurs, curse words, and vulgar epithets at the citizens of Oxford concerned with the loss of their individual autonomy and the rise of government tyranny.
In cities worldwide, men and women who fight for liberty and against tyranny are called “White Supremacists” and “NAZIS” by Antifa.
The WEF Puts Out WOKE Videos
Of course, the World Economic Forum promotes 15-Minute Cities as something that will “save the environment,” will make cities “more friendly to walkers and bikers,” and are cities that benefit the entire world!
The video below explains 15-Minute Cities from the World Economic Forum’s perspective. The young college girl acts as if these cities are harmless, and opposition to 15-Minute Cities is ignorance.
This young woman represents the product of modern, liberal education. Individual liberty is in trouble. Government tyranny is deemed normal by the WOKE.
Local Government Is Far More Critical
The citizens of Oxford now realize that their city council is responsible for adopting the 15-Minute City protocols for Oxford. They ask themselves how they could have been asleep at the wheel and allowed leftists to represent them on the city commission.
Your city mayor, city commission, local sheriff, local boards, local paper, and local law enforcement are much more critical government officials in the day of impending government control. Next up are your state officials, and then last, your national leaders.
Don’t let your city become a 15-Minute City.
Having government officials take your liberty to individually DECIDE to walk, bike, or drive as little or as much, as short or as far, as often or not at all, is a huge problem.
When elites who run your government think they know what’s best for you and demand you conform, they’ve sacrificed your autonomy at the altar of government tyranny.
When the elite think they’re smarter, freedom is something they barter.
The stupid 15-minute cities rule reminds me of years ago when people were told how many could be at a home on Thanksgiving Day to stop Covid.
“The City Commission of Oxford, England, voted to turn their city into a 15-Minute City last week. Thousands of people gathered in the streets of Oxford on Saturday to protest the loss of their autonomy.”
well, OF COURSE the people of Oxford protested such a travesty on the basic freedom of its citizens. . . . . Oxford is one of the pre-eminent university cities in the world and is the site of what is seen as ‘civilized’ and what is thought to encourage learning and communication among all thinking persons. . . .
Something is really ‘off’ about the ‘limiting of travel’ concept as it is most definitely a fascist idea to put such controls on those whose countries proclaim their freedom to live as responsible human persons. The idea of ‘controls’ at that level of intrusion into the private freedoms and choices of a human person are definitely ‘fascist’ in structure, yes.
Bravo to the protestors in Oxford! I stand with them, yes.
Now, as to sources, I will examine them in detail. Something is ‘off’ here. I will find it in time.
I don’t see ‘antifa’ as a real entity, no. People who are free recognize fascism when they see it.
The ‘antifa’ thing was an excuse of the extremists for one cause of Jan 6th attack on the Capitol.
The use of ‘antifa’ is suspect indeed.
Yes, I DID find what was ‘off ‘
It looks like ‘conspiracy theories’ are responsible.
It is one thing to promote ‘community’ and another thing to restrict ‘travel’.
The ‘wiki’ definition of ’15 Minute Cities’ helps to clarify the differences.
I do support healthy city planning for the sake of all the citizens, yes.
Apparently, some in the extreme far right have seen this as the beginnings of a ‘threat’ to personal freedom to travel. The conspiracy theorists appear to have ‘anticipated’ problems that are not presently at work.
False alarm, WADE. For now.
Could travel be restricted in future?
Possibly. But not of free people by free people, no.
We all know what ‘fascism’ is. We saw its face in Charlottesville in the ‘torch parades’, yes.
It is ugly and hateful.
And we thought Biden was bad..
Many years ago, my twin brother, Hez, and his wife were driving in the mountains of Colorado, when they saw a dust cloud in the distance. They knew someone had driven off the road.
Several cars had stopped by the time they got there. Hez started down and met two men and a 15-year-old boy coming up.
One of the men said, “The car’s on fire and about to explode.”
“Is anyone inside?”
“A woman, but it’s impossible to get her out.”
“I’m going down.”
The boy said, “I’ll go with you.”
The car was upside down and the roof was crushed flat. A woman was lying in a small ‘tunnel’ with her arms pined by her side. Hez asked if she could hear him.
“Yes, I’ve been praying for someone to help me.”
“I’m going to lay down and hold your hair, and this boy will pull us out.”
They dragged her behind a large rock and had laid down a few minutes before the car exploded. After a while an ambulance crew came and took the woman on a stretcher.
Now if that don’t light your fire, your wood is wet. smile
It’s a great story, REX RAY.
Who are you going to support for President in ’24? I think Trump will get the Republican nomination, but I’m not certain about that right now. Any thoughts?
ANYONE who runs against Biden will win! In fact, I believe Democrats will choose someone else. America was in good ‘shape’ when Trump was President. If he is chosen, he has my vote.
REX RAY, I thought you might.
I’m for people being free to choose. But sometimes the information they count on is wrong. Hopefully all of our important choices are grounded on sound information AND on moral conscience.
What are your go-to sources for information these days?
Judy’s favorite program is Outnumbered. (It gets its name because there are four women on the program all the time and a guest who is a man.) They discuss the latest political news. Most of the time the women are Republicans, but now and then, one will be a Democrat.
Also, there is Tucker Carlson, John Handy, and Fox News. (Remember Obama hated Fox News.)
Did you hear Trump say? “Putin never would have gone into Ukraine if I were president.”
REX RAY, you know I see things differently, so I did not realize that Trump said what he did. I had sort of got it that Trump and Putin were very close in how they dealt with one another. Trump seemed to go out of his way to look at Putin favorably, at least publicly.
Putin will blame others for his attack on the independent country of Ukraine.
I don’t think Putin CAN stop his attack now, he would ‘lose face’ more than he has already done.
I think the West (USA and NATO) are now in a ‘cold war’ with Putin himself.
Trump tried to get us out of NATO in order to please Putin. If he had been able to do that, I wonder what country Putin would have attacked next?
As to sources of information, my advice is always to widen sources and compare and contrast them and in the end, do your own thinking.
Do you think Dominion Voting Machines will win it’s case against Fox News for ‘slander’ ?
The wider news sources give varying accounts of what is going on. (?)
I hadn’t heard about Dominion Voting Machines suing Fox News. I remember the machines had people voting more than once by voting from different districts.
I believe illegal mail-in ballots stole the election from Trump. I read jury selection starts soon. I’ll bet that will be a mess since most people already have their minds made up.
I look forward to hearing or reading about this case: “I believe illegal mail-in ballots stole the election from Trump. I read jury selection starts soon. I’ll bet that will be a mess since most people already have their minds made up.”
What I have heard is that no court would take the case of voter fraud, not even the Supreme Court would consider taking it. Reason: no credible evidence was presented to the courts
I’m glad you wrote about this. I read this article when it came out, then saved it in my “Culture/Trends” folder where I keep articles addressing changes in American life and thought.
The paradigm strikes me as quaint — it creates nostalgic images of olde English villages. It also sounds stifling — if everything is accessible within 15 minutes, there’s little reason to get out and travel. It also takes away our freedom of variety and choice that’s available by driving a little further away from the nearest place of business.
What disturbs me most is the prospect of health care. What kind of healthcare facilities would be available to us in a 15-minute micro-city? Since one of the objectives is to make the planet “greener” by eliminating the need for transportation…will we have access to higher-caliber research hospitals? Or will we be consigned to whatever clinic happens to be planted within our 15-minute radius?
All this being said — the removal of our freedom of choice in daily life decisions makes me very leery of the micro-city concept.
Problem: is there any actual PROOF that the ‘end result’ of city planning is to ‘restrict’ the freedom of persons moving where they WANT to go ?
I can see it happening in certain countries where is IS NO FREEDOM: Russia, China, N. Korea
But is there any ACTUAL restriction of movement happening in the USA or Canada based on community planning of the kind that related to the topic of this post???
is this another ‘conspiracy theory’
AND IF NOT, where is the ‘fear’ coming from?
in short: who presently benefit$ from this fear? I don’t think QAnon is behind this one, no.
This is the link to the article that got me thinking about the 15-minute microcity. It’s worthy of your time to read it and be informed.
Thank you, Lissa, for sharing that link.
Lyndon Johnson won the Senate by 87 votes which gave him the nickname “Landslide Lyndon”.
“The Rest of the Story”:
He learned how many votes he needed to win. So, he added 213 names he got off tombstones.
That’s why he thought his sister was blackmailing him when she told him “We know how you got elected.”
I told that to say this: I remember when Trump was defeated in the President race, the news kept announcing the number of votes as the days went by. He would be ahead by so many votes, and then he would be behind; and so it went.
The solution to this problem would be to wait until all votes were in, and then announce the winner. What do you think?
I can see how you come up with that thinking.
But I trust our ‘system’ of voting constitutionally and I KNOW that if the courts had been given any actual evidence of manipulation or cheating,
that our court system would have dealt with it straight up. . . . .
ideas, theories, opinions, conspiracies, propaganda, hear-say . . . . not the same thing as actual EVIDENCE that can be admitted in a court of law to challenge any wrong-doing, no . . . the courts have to work within the law
there was no actionable evidence of wrong-doing in all the checking done throughout our nation, no
REX RAY, if you hear anything about the law suit of Dominion Voting Machines against Fox News et al, let me know what you think about it.
I went to Google and found out a lot, but now I can’t get the link to work. I remember Fox News saying Dominion was trying to suppress freedom of speech without proving they were lying.